hey! I was trying your code. but isn't working, I am new from github, can you help me?
Accessing profile...
Getting following people, this might take a while...
[15532:14972:1215/153700.345:ERROR:gpu_init.cc(523)] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled, ANGLE is
Got one list of: 318
Getting followers, this might take a while...
Got one list of: 0
These people are not following you:
Could you provide the environment you are using?
This is the first solution I found on the web so maybe take a look at that.
It is probably local setup problem.
hey! I was trying your code. but isn't working, I am new from github, can you help me?
Continue... Accessing profile... Getting following people, this might take a while... [15532:14972:1215/153700.345:ERROR:gpu_init.cc(523)] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled, ANGLE is Got one list of: 318 Getting followers, this might take a while... Got one list of: 0 These people are not following you:
random list of names