lazd / DOMly

The fast template system that creates and clones DOM nodes
MIT License
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Allow full expressions in statements #3

Open lazd opened 10 years ago

lazd commented 10 years ago

Expressions should be allowed in statements:

  1. {{variable+1}}
  2. {{variable+method()}}
  3. {{method(variable+otherVariable)}}
  4. <if variable||otherVariable>
cespare commented 9 years ago

Yeah, <if var == "foo"> was something I just wanted today.

lazd commented 9 years ago

@cespare you can accomplish the equality comparison with a quick helper:


function eq(a, b) {
  return a === b;


<if eq(,"bar")>


(function anonymous(data_0) {
  var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
  var data = data_0;
  if (eq(data_0["foo"],"bar")) {
    var el2 = document.createElement("div");
    el2.textContent = "Yay!";
  return frag;

This is what we've had to do in Handlebars for years, so I'd definitely like to see this possible in DOMly. However, the whole statement needs to be a valid attribute name according to Cheerrio's HTML parser, so its impossible to throw an equals sign in there. This won't parse the way you expect it:


However, using the helper approach, you can easily test equality in a conditional attribute:

<if eq(,'bar')>
  <div if-eq(,'baz')='class="bazified"'>Yay!</div>


(function anonymous(data_0) {
  var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
  var data = data_0;
  if (eq(data_0["foo"],'bar')) {
    var el2 = document.createElement("div");
    if (eq(data_0["bar"],'baz')) {
      el2.className = "bazified";
    el2.textContent = "Yay!";
  return frag;