lazd / gulp-csslint

CSSLint plugin for gulp
MIT License
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csslint ignore #44

Open zevero opened 8 years ago

zevero commented 8 years ago

Hi, I am desperately trying

/* csslint ignore:start */
table.jquery-tablesorter td[class^="termin_"]{ 
  background-position: right 6px center;
/* csslint ignore:end */

I still get the following warning

csslint: There are 1 problems in /home/severin/node/mlt/dev/modules/haendler/part.list.css.
1: warning at line 41, col 28
Attribute selectors with ^= are slow!
table.jquery-tablesorter td[class^="termin_"]{ 

Tried it with

/* csslint allow: unqualified-attributes */

but no success...

lazd commented 8 years ago

Hmm, your comments look correct... What version of gulp-csslint are you using? @SimenB any ideas?

SimenB commented 8 years ago

From what I can tell, this was merged less than a month ago, and not released yet.


Or am I missing something?

zevero commented 8 years ago

I am using the most current versions:

+-- gulp-csslint@0.2.2
| +-- csslint@0.10.0
mcurtin commented 8 years ago

I am experiencing a similar issue with csslint commenting. @zevero were you able to figure this out? I am using the same version.

/* csslint ignore:start */
@import 'base/bootstrap';
/* csslint ignore:end */
Ryuno-Ki commented 8 years ago

Only changes in parser lib is blocking a release right now: