lazear / sage

Proteomics search & quantification so fast that it feels like magic
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Single charged precursors? #95

Closed patrick-willems closed 8 months ago

patrick-willems commented 8 months ago

First of all, thanks for the great tool - I am a large fan of this tool.

In some tests I ran, I noticed that single charged precursors are not picked up in the results. I tested this on a mzML input where many (> 1000) 1+ peptide precursors were identified by Comet and MSFragger, though only 2+/3+ precursors by Sage. Is there some setting that has to be adapted still?

Thanks! Patrick

lazear commented 8 months ago

Hi Patrick,

Can you try changing the precursor_charge configuration option to something like [1, 4]? If that fails, can you share your configuration file, output logs, and mzML file?

patrick-willems commented 8 months ago


Yes that was the case, I even tried with [0,4]. I will send you a PM with the mzML, config, FASTA etc.
