lazy-actions / gitrivy

GitHub Issue + Trivy Action
MIT License
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Error: Failed to execute Trivy command #111

Open Yuga05 opened 2 years ago

Yuga05 commented 2 years ago

Hi Guys,

Getting an error, while using this action.

Screenshot 2022-02-03 111658

looks like that is a PR open for this issue - can you merge it -

jananathbanuka commented 2 years ago

try using trivy_version: "0.22.0"

lucasmellos commented 1 year ago

Solved the problem @jananathbanuka

ventz commented 1 year ago

@jananathbanuka Seeing a similar issue with the latest version of Trivy:

Run lazy-actions/gitrivy@v3
Download URL:
Trivy Command Path: /home/runner/work/app/app/trivy
Error: Failed to execute Trivy command.
      exit code: 1
      stderr: Error: unknown flag: --severity
  trivy [global flags] command [flags] target
  trivy [command]

  # Scan a container image
  $ trivy image python:3.4-alpine

  # Scan a container image from a tar archive
  $ trivy image --input ruby-3.1.tar

  # Scan local filesystem
  $ trivy fs .

  # Run in server mode
  $ trivy server
  Use "trivy [command] --help" for more information about a command.

2023-02-25T21:41:26.836Z    FATAL   unknown flag: --severity

What is causing this? Clearly the --severity exists in v 0.37.3:

 trivy image --severity HIGH,CRITICAL $image
hwakabh commented 1 year ago

@ventz Same above. In my case, Trivy version in used is v0.38.3 and official repo mentions --severity options as references, but gitrivy got the error...

Run lazy-actions/gitrivy@v3
Download URL:
Trivy Command Path: /home/runner/work/glocalist-backend/glocalist-backend/trivy
Error: Failed to execute Trivy command.
exit code: 1
      stderr: Error:
      unknown flag: --severity

Downloaded and extracted trivy binary from the link above, v0.38.3 do have the option for image scan:

$ wget
$ tar -xzvf ./trivy_0.38.3_Linux-64bit.tar.gz 
$ ./trivy --version
Version: 0.38.3
$ ./trivy image --help
Scan a container image

  trivy image [flags] IMAGE_NAME

  image, i

  # Scan a container image
  $ trivy image python:3.4-alpine

  # Scan a container image from a tar archive
  $ trivy image --input ruby-3.1.tar

  # Filter by severities
  $ trivy image --severity HIGH,CRITICAL alpine:3.15

  # Ignore unfixed/unpatched vulnerabilities
  $ trivy image --ignore-unfixed alpine:3.15

  # Scan a container image in client mode
  $ trivy image --server alpine:latest

  # Generate json result
  $ trivy image --format json --output result.json alpine:3.15

  # Generate a report in the CycloneDX format
  $ trivy image --format cyclonedx --output result.cdx alpine:3.15

# (...)

Report Flags
      --compliance string      compliance report to generate (docker-cis)
      --dependency-tree        [EXPERIMENTAL] show dependency origin tree of vulnerable packages
      --exit-code int          specify exit code when any security issues are found
      --exit-on-eol int        exit with the specified code when the OS reaches end of service/life
  -f, --format string          format (table, json, template, sarif, cyclonedx, spdx, spdx-json, github, cosign-vuln) (default "table")
      --ignore-policy string   specify the Rego file path to evaluate each vulnerability
      --ignorefile string      specify .trivyignore file (default ".trivyignore")
      --list-all-pkgs          enabling the option will output all packages regardless of vulnerability
  -o, --output string          output file name
      --report string          specify a format for the compliance report. (default "summary")
  -s, --severity string        severities of security issues to be displayed (comma separated) (default "UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL")
  -t, --template string        output template

# (...)

Seems this PR will fix this issue, but have not been merged yet...

ventz commented 1 year ago

@hwakabh Thank you for mentioning this!