lazybensch / ember-cli-copyable

Deeply copies your records including their relations. The mixin is smart enough to resolve not loaded relations and is configurable to what should be shallow/deeply copied or excluded entirely.
MIT License
25 stars 17 forks source link

looking for new collaborators #28

Open lazybensch opened 7 years ago

lazybensch commented 7 years ago

Due to changes in my work environment during the last year I was - and most likely will be - unable to foster this addon any longer. I hope that in the future I will be able to come back and work on ember-cli-copyable but for now i am clearly unable to keep up with contributors fixing and extending the project.

This is why i am looking for someone, or multiple contributors to take over the project. If someone would like to do this please let me know and i will add you as an npm owner and github collaborator.

I am sorry for the inconveniences thus far.


Gowiem commented 7 years ago

Hey @lazybensch, I came across this while looking for a solution and decided to go elsewhere after seeing this issue + recent commits. Totally understandable that you needed to drop the project as that happens in life, but I figured I'd mention there is a great alternative I've found that you might want to direct people to: ember-data-copyable. Just a thought!

haldiggs commented 6 years ago

ember-data-copyable might be a solution but already has issues that are not assigned and not fixed. sigh

Gowiem commented 6 years ago

@haldiggs Decent point, but also the most recent commits are just 19 days ago. That's pretty active for a small OS project. I use it in a client project it works great. I would suggest giving it a go!

haldiggs commented 6 years ago

@Gowiem ok that helps. I wasn't sure of the push for that project was just for another effort that wouldn't work.