lazycoder1 / liquity-arbitrage

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The bot requires LUSD amount equal to the eth equivalent amount being arbitraged. #1

Open lazycoder1 opened 3 years ago

lazycoder1 commented 3 years ago

The restriction is because we are currently calling redeemLUSD function to determine the input values for the arbitrage bot.

We should find an alternative way to find the inputs for the contract so that we can circumvent this restriction.

A possible solution would be to expose the hint finder functions from the @liquity/lib-ethers library.

rohitroxx001 commented 9 months ago

I was running the app for Goerli network, and after subscribing to the events. It's stuck at Subscribed to ethereum events. Will continuously monitor for arbitrage opportunities!

Console Error: Error: call revert exception (method="getReserves()", errorSignature=null, errorArgs=[null], reason=null, code=CALL_EXCEPTION, version=abi/5.0.13)

Is it still reliable for ETH-LUSD mainnet arbitrage?