lazydevyo / PSVitaPlay

A Streaming app which let's you plug and play your PSVita to your PC without hassle.
100 stars 11 forks source link

Linux support #3

Open berk-can opened 5 years ago

berk-can commented 5 years ago

Please make it available for linux Btw, plugin is awesome dude Can enjoy on big screen now

PSzczepanski1996 commented 5 years ago


simmons2714 commented 2 years ago

I mean as much as I want to just plug and play and "it just works^tm", couldn't you use gcc to complie the source yourself? I have no idea how and when lazydevyo says to build the scenes one by one I have no idea what that means because I've never really worked with unity or c++.

higorhgoncalves commented 2 years ago


undefined06855 commented 1 year ago
