lazydevyo / PSVitaPlay

A Streaming app which let's you plug and play your PSVita to your PC without hassle.
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Audio from vita buzzes only when using PSVitaDock. #8

Closed fakusnamus closed 5 years ago

fakusnamus commented 5 years ago

The audio plays fine when PSVitaDock is not open when doing "listen to this device" on the line in/microphone (I've tried assigning the vita to both), and I've put PSVita suffix in each one. But the moment I open PSVitaDock, the audio immediately starts buzzing hard. I've tried doing this with the power supply of the laptop both connected and disconnected. This doesn't affect the buzzing. Once vita dock starts, even the "listen to this device" audio starts buzzing if that's left on.

ExtremeCaliber commented 5 years ago

Supposedly, if you go into your vita settings and turn off charge via usb, it's supposed to fix the interference. I didn't have to do it myself since my aux cable is sort of well made

lazydevyo commented 5 years ago

Thats because electrostatic enegry from the usb port reaches the audio port, simple don't charge your vita while using it like said by ExtremeCaliber's ^ on top anwser.