lazywinadmin / LazyTS

PowerShell Script (GUI) to manage Terminal Sessions
MIT License
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Support for RDS Collection #5

Open lazywinadmin opened 8 years ago

lazywinadmin commented 8 years ago

Requested by Микки and Dan Rayner: "RDS farm works with Connection Broker and we can get list of RDS servers in farm from Broker with command Get-WMIObject -ComputerName -Class Win32_SessionDirectoryServer. For example, you can add checkbox "Connection Broker" to the Form, and program will requests list of servers in the farm and sessions from each server."

See MSDN on Win32_SessionDirectoryServer class:

memphisraynz commented 8 years ago

If you use the remotedesktopservices module this is achived very simply with; Get-RDServer -ConnectionBroker If a conenction broker is handling multiple Collections you will return for sever associated.

Alternatively you can get all sessions with Get-RDUserSession -CollectionName -ConnectionBroker

pytalk commented 3 years ago

Any plans to progress on this ticket please?