lbb220 / GWmodel

GWmodel package
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Questions about multiple samples in a region #19

Open lzygenomics opened 2 years ago

lzygenomics commented 2 years ago

卢老师您好! 非常有幸可以使用您开发的GWmodel!我有个问题想请教您~ 请问该算法是默认一个区域有一个样本值吗?如果一个地理坐标有多个样本的话应该怎么办呀~? 谢谢老师! Dear professor LU, I am appreciate to have the oppotunity to use your algorithm! I have a question about GWR in possion form(GWPR)~ Does GWPR just apply to each region with only one value? Can this algorithm solve for multiple samples in a region? Thank you !