lbcb-sci / herro

HERRO is a highly-accurate, haplotype-aware, deep-learning tool for error correction of Nanopore R10.4.1 or R9.4.1 reads (read length of >= 10 kbps is recommended).
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Growing differences between "dorado correct" and HERRO #49

Open shelkmike opened 4 months ago

shelkmike commented 4 months ago

Several new versions of Dorado have recently been made, with improvements in "dorado correct". At the same time, the code of HERRO hasn't been changing. Am I right that users should use "dorado correct" and not HERRO?

cblazier commented 3 months ago

I would also like to know this. Also, it would be useful is dorado correct would allow for splitting the job between ava and inference. I have access to large memory nodes for ava and GPU nodes for inference, but I do not have access to large memory nodes with GPUs. I suspect this is not unusual, given what I know about computing clusters at other institutions.

asan-emirsaleh commented 2 months ago

Are dorado correct and HERRO compatible?