lbcclib / findit

FindIt -- LBCC's blacklight-based discovery layer
MIT License
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Student assumes x near limiter means it's deselected #377

Open mwillihooper opened 4 years ago

mwillihooper commented 4 years ago

A student was very confused by the X near the limiter they selected. Could it by a checkmark or highlighted instead?


sandbergja commented 4 years ago

Interesting! I took a look at a few e-commerce sites, and it looks like a checkbox is a much more common pattern for these facets: target

That pattern gives a clearer indication that the facet is selected, and gives a perhaps more understandable way to de-select it.

This affects both FindIt and CommunityArchive. I'll ask around in the Blacklight community to see what others are doing (and if they would be amenable to Blacklight changing these to checkboxes)

sandbergja commented 4 years ago

Some responses when I asked about this on the code4lib slack: