lbialy / play-ng2-webpack2

Play 2.6.0 + Angular with Angular-CLI + SBT - based build
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Updates #3

Open lbialy opened 7 years ago

lbialy commented 7 years ago

Hey guys, I've been tracking progress being made in Angular 2, angular-cli and Webpack 2 communities in some of my free time, because of few things I'd like to incorporate into this seed:

I'd like to update this seed before the new year with:

Tree-shaking, AoT and SSR will have to wait for upstream I'm afraid. I'll have some free time between Christmas and New Year's Eve and I'm scheduling some time for this then.


lbialy commented 7 years ago

Related issues and tools:

Issues: - webpack - tree shaking with typescript - angular-cli - tree shaking with webpack2 - angular 2 universal - JVM support with J2V8 example

Tools: - AoT compilation for WebPack, ng-cli team say they also support css preprocessors out of the box, whether this works with AoTPlugin remains to be found.

I'll be updating this post with more documentation and planned build pipeline arch.

zcourts commented 7 years ago

Will there be an upgrade path from the current seed to the updated version? I'm starting a new project but if updating will be tricky I could probably wait until the changes are in.

lbialy commented 7 years ago

Hey, sorry for delay. It won't be trivial due to migration to completely ng-cli based angular app management, but I'll try to provide upgrade path (I have one project using this seed and I will have to upgrade it too). I'll try to deliver on friday or saturday - 6th or 7th of january. You can take a look at these instructions to see the scope of change. Also some of the sbt-related files have to change from what I've seen till now.

radha89 commented 7 years ago

Any idea when we can expect the upgrade?


lbialy commented 7 years ago

Updated to newest Angular 2 and Angular-CLI. Build system was refactored to use Angular-CLI only. I don't have precise migration path from old seed to this version - no time sadly :( - but I will try to add it ASAP.

Tree-shaking is still borked and not much progress have been achieved between Webpack and Uglifyjs teams.

Angular-universal on JVM is pretty far from stable for now, SSR with Java/Scala backend is not possible for now.

To do:

lbialy commented 7 years ago

Updated to Angular ^2.4.0 and Angular CLI 1.0.0.rc.1.