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Lattice-based signature and Identity-Based Encryption are well-known cryptographic schemes, and having both efficient and provable secure schemes in the standard model is still a challenging task in light of the current NIST post-quantum competition. We address this problem in this paper by mixing standard IBE scheme, \`a la ABB (EUROCRYPT 2010) on Ring-SIS/LWE assumptions with the efficient trapdoor of Peikert and Micciancio (EUROCRYPT 2012) and we provide an efficient implementation. Our IBE scheme is more efficient than the IBE scheme of Ducas, Lyubashevsky and Prest based on NTRU assumption and is based on more standard assumptions. Although our signature scheme is not as efficient as recent lattice-based schemes based on Fiat-Shamir with Aborts, it is provably secure in the standard model and its efficiency is a few milliseconds.
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