lbl-anp / becquerel

Becquerel is a Python package for analyzing nuclear spectroscopic measurements.
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IsotopeQuantity test fails with datetime assert #222

Closed cosama closed 3 years ago

cosama commented 3 years ago

All recent test have been failing. The error message is:

E       AssertionError: assert datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 4, 23, 42, 22, 196186) == datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 4, 23, 42, 34, 811280)
E        +  where datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 4, 23, 42, 22, 196186) = <bound method IsotopeQuantity.time_when of < object at 0x7efd1c4023d0>>(**{'uci': 10.047000000000002})
E        +    where <bound method IsotopeQuantity.time_when of < object at 0x7efd1c4023d0>> = < object at 0x7efd1c4023d0>.time_when
E        +  and   datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 4, 23, 42, 34, 811280) = < object at 0x7efd1c4023d0>.ref_date

Anybody has an idea what goes on here. It looks like the python2 test still work, so maybe a version issue with one of the libraries?

markbandstra commented 3 years ago

Weird, it looks like the 2.7 and 3.6 tests are passing but the 3.7 and 3.8 tests are failing. The full failure message for the most recent test of main is:

___________________ test_isotopequantity_time_when[K-40-uci] ___________________
642iq = < object at 0x7f46b09c3850>
643kw = 'uci'
645    @pytest.mark.parametrize('kw', ('atoms', 'g', 'bq', 'uci'))
646    def test_isotopequantity_time_when(iq, kw):
647        """Test IsotopeQuantity.time_when()"""
649        ref_qty = getattr(iq, kw + '_at')(iq.ref_date)
651        kwarg = {kw: ref_qty}
652>       assert iq.time_when(**kwarg) == iq.ref_date
653E       AssertionError: assert datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 30, 21, 20, 55, 549746) == datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 30, 21, 21, 8, 164840)
654E        +  where datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 30, 21, 20, 55, 549746) = <bound method IsotopeQuantity.time_when of < object at 0x7f46b09c3850>>(**{'uci': 10.047000000000002})
655E        +    where <bound method IsotopeQuantity.time_when of < object at 0x7f46b09c3850>> = < object at 0x7f46b09c3850>.time_when
656E        +  and   datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 30, 21, 21, 8, 164840) = < object at 0x7f46b09c3850>.ref_date
658tests/ AssertionError

Which is a failure in test_isotopequantity_time_when. I am able to replicate this locally with 3.8. I'll look into it, although it's weird that this test is failing after being in the code since May 2017.

markbandstra commented 3 years ago

Very strange error. Of these isotopes that the test is run against:


and these kwargs: ('atoms', 'g', 'bq', 'uci'), only that single test (K-40 with uci) is failing. No idea yet but I suspect a subtle floating point issue.

markbandstra commented 3 years ago

I printed out some debugging information and was able to confirm a weird floating point issue.

Here is what I printed out for the code as-is:

isotope_qty_test: iq: radioisotope: K-40
isotope_qty_test: iq: date:         2021-01-04 17:33:28.697044
isotope_qty_test: iq: kwargs:       {'uci': 10.047}
isotope_qty_test: test_isotopequantity_time_when: iq:                    371739.00000000006 Bq of K-40 (at 2021-01-04 17:33:28.697044)
isotope_qty_test: test_isotopequantity_time_when: ref_qty:               10.047000000000002
isotope_qty_test: test_isotopequantity_time_when: kwarg:                 {'uci': 10.047000000000002}
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: ref_atoms: 2.1119730744881784e+22
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: target:    2.1119730744881788e+22
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: dt:        -12.615093572023143
isotope_qty_test: test_isotopequantity_time_when: iq.time_when(**kwarg): 2021-01-04 17:33:16.081950
isotope_qty_test: test_isotopequantity_time_when: ref_date:              2021-01-04 17:33:28.697044
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: ref_atoms: 2.1119730744881784e+22
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: target:    2.1119730744881788e+22
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: dt:        -12.615093572023143

(The error occurs because that last line for dt is not 0.0.)

Then I increased the activity in uCi by a factor of 10 from 10.047 to 100.47 in the test fixture and the error went away!

isotope_qty_test: iq: radioisotope: K-40
isotope_qty_test: iq: date:         2021-01-04 17:32:17.773989
isotope_qty_test: iq: kwargs:       {'uci': 100.47}
isotope_qty_test: test_isotopequantity_time_when: iq:                    3717390.0 Bq of K-40 (at 2021-01-04 17:32:17.773989)
isotope_qty_test: test_isotopequantity_time_when: ref_qty:               100.47
isotope_qty_test: test_isotopequantity_time_when: kwarg:                 {'uci': 100.47}
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: ref_atoms: 2.111973074488178e+23
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: target:    2.111973074488178e+23
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: dt:        -0.0
isotope_qty_test: test_isotopequantity_time_when: iq.time_when(**kwarg): 2021-01-04 17:32:17.773989
isotope_qty_test: test_isotopequantity_time_when: ref_date:              2021-01-04 17:32:17.773989
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: ref_atoms: 2.111973074488178e+23
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: target:    2.111973074488178e+23
IsotopeQuantity.time_when: dt:        -0.0

(In the last line, now dt is effectively 0.0, so the test passes.)

Here's a minimum working example of the failure:

import datetime
import numpy as np
import becquerel as bq

# original instantiation
iq0 = bq.IsotopeQuantity('K-40',, uci=10.047)
# multiply activity by 10
iq1 = bq.IsotopeQuantity('K-40',, uci=100.47)

assert iq0.uci_at(iq0.ref_date) == iq1.uci_at(iq1.ref_date)

I did some more testing and found the place were nearby uci values result in slightly different results, presumably due to rounding errors:

import datetime
import numpy as np
import becquerel as bq

iq0 = bq.IsotopeQuantity('K-40',, uci=11.050504791)
iq1 = bq.IsotopeQuantity('K-40',, uci=11.050504790)


Any thoughts on what this could be or how to address it?

cosama commented 3 years ago

We just need to use np.close in the tests. There is nothing else really we can do about that. Weird though it didn't show up earlier.

cosama commented 3 years ago

It is an issue with a package, not sure which one though. I run all test, they passed, then I updated all the required packages and it failed.

markbandstra commented 3 years ago

Seems like if we use numpy.isclose we will need to extract the seconds and set a tolerance. Here is an actual minimum working example:

import datetime
import numpy as np
import becquerel as bq

iso = 'K-40'
dt0 =

iq1 = bq.IsotopeQuantity(iso, date=dt0, uci=10.047)
iq2 = bq.IsotopeQuantity(iso, date=dt0, uci=100.47)

dt1 = iq1.time_when(uci=iq1.uci_at(dt0))
dt2 = iq2.time_when(uci=iq2.uci_at(dt0))


diff1 = dt1 - dt0
diff2 = dt2 - dt0


print(np.isclose(diff1.total_seconds(), 0, atol=15.))
print(np.isclose(diff2.total_seconds(), 0, atol=15.))
2021-01-04 20:09:11.317735
2021-01-04 20:08:58.702641
2021-01-04 20:09:11.317735
cosama commented 3 years ago

@markbandstra I am looking into this right now as well. Quite confusing to be honest, still a bit puzzled where it arises. I think it is from

iq = bq.IsotopeQuantity("K-40",, uci=10.047)
a = 10.047
a, a**iq.decay_const/

results in:

(10.047, 10.047000000000002)

but not sure why this didn't show up earlier.

cosama commented 3 years ago

One way to fix this would be to calculate all the possible quantities during initialization and enforce the quantity used for initialization to be unchanged. The __init__ would have to look something like this (not tested and not sure if there is a more elegant way):

    def __init__(self, isotope, date=None, stability=1e18, **kwargs):

        self._init_isotope(isotope, stability)
        self._ref_quantities = {}

        # list that defines the order of insertion
        order = ["atoms", "bq", "uci", "q"]

        # dictionary with functions that define how to calculate all quantities in a circular manner
        conversions = dict(
            atoms=lambda : self._ref_quantities["g"] * N_AV / self.isotope.A,
            bq=lambda : self._ref_quantities["atoms"] * self.decay_const,
            uci=lambda : self._ref_quantities["bq"] / UCI_TO_BQ,
            g=lambda : self._ref_quantities["uci"] * UCI_TO_BQ /
                       self.decay_const / N_AV * self.isotope.A

        # this will rotate the order so that the provided kwarg is at [0]
        while order[0] not in kwargs:

        # the kwarg provided will be the base, all other quantities will be calculated from it
        first = order.pop(0)
        self._ref_quantities[first] = kwargs[first]
        for i in order:
            self._ref_quantities[i] = conversions[i]()

Then we use self._ref_quantities[quantity], everywhere.

We could also just define all the permutations:

if "atoms" in kwargs:
    order = ["atoms", "bq", "uci", "q"]
elif "bq" in kwargs:
    order = ["bq", "uci", "q", "atoms"]
elif "uci" in kwargs:
    order = ["uci", "q", "atoms", "bq"]
elif "q" in kwargs:
    order = ["q", "atoms", "bq", "uci"]
    raise ValueError("Unknown input")
cosama commented 3 years ago

Alternatively we could also define the relative tolerance with respect to the half-live or the inverse of the decay constant:

np.isclose(diff1.total_seconds()*iq.decay_const/np.log(2), 0, atol=1e-9.)
jccurtis commented 3 years ago

Regarding permutations above, some DRY could be done with just rolling the list:

cosama commented 3 years ago

@jccurtis Yeah, my first example above was rolling the list:

        # this will rotate the order so that the provided kwarg is at [0]
        while order[0] not in kwargs:

Just wasn't sure what would be more clear.

If you guys think this makes sense I am happy to give it a shot.