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#154 Expand Types #209

Closed darenkeck-dev closed 1 year ago

darenkeck-dev commented 1 year ago


Updates how types get assigned. This does NOT include expression types

Related Issue(s)



Run integration tests

Make sure to also run long tests

darenkeck-dev commented 1 year ago

Removing WIP once I have tested against the modelica standard library.

darenkeck-dev commented 1 year ago

Long tests are completing as expected. Removing WIP

darenkeck-dev commented 1 year ago

Converting back to draft as it looks like replaceable 'value' modifier paths are broken.

When reviewing output from the modelica standard library, I saw the following behavior:

If you look at the option at path: "Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Components.Controls.Interfaces.PartialVAVMultizone.coiHeaReh"

It has a modifier with the following shape:

      "modifiers": {
        "Buildings.Templates.Components.Coils.None.coiHeaReh": {
          "expression": "Buildings.Templates.Components.Coils.None",
          "final": false

"Buildings.Templates.Components.Coils.None.coiHeaReh" should be "Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Components.Controls.Interfaces.PartialVAVMultizone.coiHeaReh"/

The original modelica looks as follows:

  outer replaceable Buildings.Templates.Components.Coils.None coiHeaReh
    "Heating coil (reheat position)";

This might be able to get fixed by updating what gets passed as a base path for the replaceable modifier here:

darenkeck-dev commented 1 year ago

'value' modifier paths are broken

I've added a test and this issue is now fixed. This PR is ready for review again.