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Dperrymorrow/left nav #54

Closed dperrymorrow closed 2 years ago

dperrymorrow commented 2 years ago


styling the left nav to match the design comps

Related Issue(s)

15 #28


Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 3 59 34 PM

also have dragging resize of the left pane, as well as truncation of the titles when the pane is small

darenkeck-dev commented 2 years ago

Regarding the bug you are seeing with the configs page: this is fixed in the PR I'm working on now (#53). It is related to the mock-data for system templates. For a few of them I did not specify options at all (no key, no initial value) and this was not well handled by the store. Here is the couple systems where I did not specify the 'options' key.

For now, if you do not pick those systems while testing, the config page will be OK. Once #53 is merged this will stop happening.

darenkeck-dev commented 2 years ago

Just a heads up about what is displayed beneath each system template:

Screen Shot 2022-03-04 at 9 14 59 AM

I incorrectly showed all related template configs (where it says default), but we'll end up switching that to show each 'metaconfiguration', which will have the associated configuration name and a quantity.