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JSON to Modelica Endpoint #7

Closed darenkeck-dev closed 2 years ago

darenkeck-dev commented 2 years ago
darenkeck-dev commented 2 years ago

This PR introduces the use of the tmp module. The module says it cleans up on its own, but I'm seeing files hanging around. We may need to manually tell the tmp module to remove these files.

darenkeck-dev commented 2 years ago

This PR introduces the use of the tmp module. The module says it cleans up on its own, but I'm seeing files hanging around. We may need to manually tell the tmp module to remove these files.

After spending more time on this, it generally seems to clean things up. I believe files were getting left around because something was thrown while I was testing things out.

darenkeck-dev commented 2 years ago

Just want to mention this: with modelica-json and modelica-buildings actively being updated, it may be worth figuring out how to dynamically generate test data from the tip of the branches we are watching, as opposed to static files.

jaek-s commented 2 years ago

Just want to mention this: with modelica-json and modelica-buildings actively being updated, it may be worth figuring out how to dynamically generate test data from the tip of the branches we are watching, as opposed to static files.

IMO, it would be good to have a test that uses the latest modelica files, but I think it's worth having a static data test as well so you know if a code change is breaking the tests, or if an update to the modelica libraries has broken the tests.