lbl-srg / ctrl-flow-dev

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BE: Extract control/mechanical points for schedule page #96

Closed Flintonian closed 1 year ago

Flintonian commented 1 year ago

Different data points will be needed for schedules page. Can probably present this (from back end data perspective) in a more efficient format, may need some slight schema changes for this.

Flintonian commented 1 year ago

Each place that a user can provide input for a template are generically grouped together in a long list of options. This list of options includes items related to the configuration page as well as the schedule page.

Separate out options related to the schedule table and define a schema to help group these options before they are sent to the FE.

darenkeck-dev commented 1 year ago

There are likely bugs are we are not yet working with the data extracted, but 'dat' params are getting separated out now. The last PR that worked on this is here:

Closing this and will open new issues as bugs show up with this extracted data set.