lblissett / dn-discuss

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General remarks #1

Open lblissett opened 5 years ago

lblissett commented 5 years ago
  1. visuals and set-up look good generally speaking, we like the colour scheme
  2. the text of specific news items and events seems to have lost all editing. Can be this be solved?
  3. every webpage currently has some kind of introduction/description. Can we alter the descriptions at a later point in time ourselves? If so, how?
  4. Right now, it is unclear if an email will be sent around if people add a new event, publication or news item. This should be an option.
  5. We tried to enter a test publication but when we clicked ‘speichern’ nothing happened. Is this a bug or is this just because we are dealing with a trial version?
  6. There are some translation issues, but we suppose that these have to be worked upon at a later stage? E.g. ‘the ‘nodes’ tab’ on the groups page. The tab ‘speichern’ translates to ‘nodes’ in English and ‘noeuds’. We will have to check this stuff more systematically later.
  7. Right now, we only see three languages: German, French and English. When are the other languages going to be inserted into the system?
  8. At some point we will need a thorough explanation of the various items in ‘tools’. E.g. .
  9. Will it be possible to create separate pages for events? Based on previous email exchanges I understood that it would be, but how should this be done? And where would we see links?
  10. When we will we open up the website? Do we need to wait until the language administrators have all done their work or not? This is also a question for the board.
bits-of-static commented 5 years ago

We just solved no.2, will come in when we update the site.

bits-of-static commented 5 years ago

no.10: The translations should be done before we bring in a new language.

We do not want to disable the languages we currently have (german, french), because we are not sure what everything this brings with it. It would be great it you would manage to provide us translations for those before we go online. Otherwise we would have to disable them.

At minimum, translating the menu, the texts on frontpage and other teaser sections. There are non-trivial dependencies to creating content in different translations, so if we keep a clean workflow, we will minimize lot of side effects.

In the next days, we will write you a how-to. It might not be so many text chunks that need translation, but it takes its time and I would plan in an half a day for each language.

lblissett commented 5 years ago

No. 3 If you want to be able to change this, we can adjust that later on for some description. On the frontpage you will get an join button when you visit this page anonymous and once your logged in it disappears. Its not possible to implement something like and give you the opportunity to change the description, because we need to use a complete different technology. It is a tradeoff at this point.

No. 4 You will see an message button the next days for your own posted events / new ones to send out the newsletter.

No. 5. I guess you did not fill out everything required. You have to go through the tabs and the fields with * are required. You will not get note if you just click on save without doing this, though.

No. 6 Yes.

No. 7 We would like to start with three languages and try to make them as complete as possible till launch. We can later add languages easy (latin ones) and not that easy (the rest with different symbols / characters) later.

No. 8 Yes

No. 9 Its possible. On the other hand will you be able to create dn-events with can be ajdusted to your wishes and could be different from the other events everybody can create. We will have to see what exactly you want to do. It certainly will need a bit understanding of the drupal site which will come with time.

No. 10 We would like to migrate mid next week. German and french languages should be as complete as possible. You will be able to add translations later.

SinghJN commented 5 years ago
  1. Great
  2. OK, understood, and yes, that's fine.
  3. we discussed this already in the thread News and Items under point 4. Please see my comments there.
  4. OK, we will try this out again.
  5. OK
  6. OK. By the way, have you checked if we can use Chinese and Korean characters?
  7. OK
  8. I think it is a really good idea to distinguish DN events from non-DN events. The former could have a more elaborate presence on our website. Great! Everybody agree?
  9. OK. So... I can work on the English and German versions. @jangermuller, could you check the French version? Should we create a new issue for this? How would you suggest going about it? I have some time this weekend.