lblod / ember-rdfa-editor-plugin-generator

Addon to simplify the creation of a plugin for
MIT License
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You cannot use the addon command inside an ember-cli project. #3

Open scenaristeur opened 3 years ago

scenaristeur commented 3 years ago

Hi ;-) i want to build a plugin but it does not seem to work

smag@think:~/dev/frontend-rdfa-editor-demo-v2$ ember install @lblod/ember-rdfa-editor-plugin-generator
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
npx browserslist@latest --update-db
WARNING: Ember CLI is using the global npm, but your npm version has not yet been verified to work with the current Ember CLI release.

🚧  Installing packages... This might take a couple of minutes.
npm: Installed @lblod/ember-rdfa-editor-plugin-generator
Installed addon package.
smag@think:~/dev/frontend-rdfa-editor-demo-v2$ ember addon ember-rdfa-editor-semapps
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
npx browserslist@latest --update-db
You cannot use the addon command inside an ember-cli project.


Have any idea ? Thxs

nvdk commented 3 years ago

Hey David,

It looks like you're running the command inside the editor so perhaps our howto needs an update :). The following set of commands should get you going:

$ cd ~/dev
$ ember addon ember-rdfa-editor-semapps # this will generate a new folder with the plugin to be
$ cd ember-rdfa-editor-semapps
$ #with an editor add "@lblod" to the name of the plugin so it becomes "@lblod/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps"
$ ember install @lblod/ember-rdfa-editor-plugin-generator
$ ember g ember-rdfa-editor-semapps

that being said I think we do need to update this generator, so the generated code might generate some depredations at the moment. It should still work though, let me know if not :)

scenaristeur commented 3 years ago

Hi @nvdk the last command does not seem to work : Unknown blueprint: ember-rdfa-editor-semapps

there is no blueprint folder like the one on

and how to integrate / develop / test it in the editor ? what is the link, on the tuto , there was a lib folder... how do i link my plugin to the editor when developping it ? I'm really not aware with ember, more with vuejs

smag@think:~/dev$ ember addon ember-rdfa-editor-semapps
installing addon
Ember CLI v3.26.1

✨  Creating a new Ember addon in /home/smag/dev/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps:
  create .editorconfig
  create .ember-cli
... [...]...
  create index.js
  create .npmignore
WARNING: Ember CLI is using the global npm, but your npm version has not yet been verified to work with the current Ember CLI release.

🚧  Installing packages... This might take a couple of minutes.
npm: Installed dependencies

🎥  Initializing git repository.
Git: successfully initialized.

🎉  Successfully created project ember-rdfa-editor-semapps.
👉   Get started by typing:

  $ cd ember-rdfa-editor-semapps
  $ npm start

Happy coding!
smag@think:~/dev$ cd ember-rdfa-editor-semapps/
smag@think:~/dev/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps$ ember install @lblod/ember-rdfa-editor-plugin-generator
WARNING: Ember CLI is using the global npm, but your npm version has not yet been verified to work with the current Ember CLI release.

🚧  Installing packages... This might take a couple of minutes.
npm: Installed @lblod/ember-rdfa-editor-plugin-generator
Installed addon package.
smag@think:~/dev/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps$ ember g ember-rdfa-editor-semapps
Unknown blueprint: ember-rdfa-editor-semapps

smag@think:~/dev/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps$ ember g @lblod/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps
Unknown blueprint: @lblod/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps

smag@think:~/dev/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps$ npm start

> @lblod/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps@0.0.0 start
> ember serve

â ¸ building... [Babel: @glimmer/component > applyPatches]Though the "loose" option was set to "false" in your @babel/preset-env config, it will not be used for @babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods since the "loose" mode option was set to "true" for @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties.
The "loose" option must be the same for @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties, @babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods and @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object (when they are enabled): you can silence this warning by explicitly adding
    ["@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods", { "loose": true }]
to the "plugins" section of your Babel config.

Build successful (5268ms) – Serving on http://localhost:4200/

Slowest Nodes (totalTime >= 5%)                | Total (avg)
Babel: @ember/test-helpers (1)                 | 2064ms     
Bundler (1)                                    | 1162ms     
Package /assets/vendor.js (1)                  | 322ms      

[[ i've stopped here with ctrl +C]]
cleaning up...

smag@think:~/dev/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps$ ember g @lblod/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps
Unknown blueprint: @lblod/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps

smag@think:~/dev/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps$ ember g ember-rdfa-editor-semapps
Unknown blueprint: ember-rdfa-editor-semapps

smag@think:~/dev/ember-rdfa-editor-semapps$ cd ..
smag@think:~/dev$ ember g ember-rdfa-editor-semapps
You have to be inside an ember-cli project to use the generate command.