lbolla / EMpy

Electromagnetic Python
MIT License
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Incorrect Documentation #10

Closed DavidRimel closed 7 years ago

DavidRimel commented 7 years ago

In the documentation for the epsfunc states the following:

"epsfunc : function This is a function that provides the relative permittivity (square of the refractive index) as a function of the x and y position. The function must be of the form: myRelativePermittivity(x,y) The function can either return a single float, corresponding the an isotropic refractive index, or, ir may a length-5 tuple. In the tuple case, the relative permittivity is given in the form (epsxx, epsxy, epsyx, epsyy, epszz)."

but I found this to not be true in fact epsfunc should take a numpy.arrays x and y and output an epsilon matrix of shape ( x.length() , y.length() ).

DanHickstein commented 7 years ago

True! The issue is addressed by PR

lbolla commented 7 years ago merged.