lbonn / rofi

Rofi: A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement - fork with wayland support
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[BUG] Rofi doesn't disappear after releasing the indicated keys #106

Open winteriscariot opened 7 months ago

winteriscariot commented 7 months ago

Rofi version (rofi -v or git commit in case of build issue)

Version: 1.7.5+wayland2



Timing report

No response

Launch command

rofi -show window -kb-accept-entry '!Alt+Tab,MousePrimary' -kb-row-right 'Alt-Tab'

Step to reproduce

launch rofi in wayland native with window mode using the alt-tab binding as set in labwc rc.xml

launch the command with the assigned keybinding

Expected behavior

The rofi window should disappear after I release alt-tab and focus the currently selected window

Actual behavior

Upon triggering the rofi command with the keybinding, the rofi window appears and stays. it does not disappear after I release 'alt tab'.

additionally, holding down alt and pressing tab repeatedly does not cycle through the rofi entries

Additional information

I'm basically using the same script on X11 and it works as expected.

I'm not sure if this is actually a bug or simply a limitation on the wayland native version of rofi

Using wayland display server protocol

I've checked if the issue exists in the latest stable release

lbonn commented 6 months ago

@winteriscariot maybe you bound Alt-Tab to launching rofi in your compositor and it is eating up your key-presses?

I have not tried to reproduce the familiar Alt-Tab from classic desktops with rofi, it is a bit tricky

Tommimon commented 5 hours ago

The problem has been discussed on the original rofi repo in this issue. Proposed solution: -kb-accept-entry "!Alt-Tab,!Alt+Alt_L" This is the solution proposed by the maintainer and should accept the entry when releasing Alt key, but it is not working for me on rofi-wayland.