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Rofi: A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement - fork with wayland support
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[REQUEST] input method support for wayland #131

Open GrassBlock1 opened 2 months ago

GrassBlock1 commented 2 months ago

Before opening a feature request

What is the user problem or growth opportunity you want to see solved?

In the latest version of rofi-wayland, input method like Fcitx 5 won't work,which brings problems for CJK users to input their language in rofi.

How do you know that this problem exists today? Why is this important?

When I use rofi-wayland in drun mode and try to input to find a application whose name in Chinese. I try to activate fcitx5 to input but failed. I think implementing the support of input method would make it a little easier for users who uses a input method to input in their language....

Who will benefit from it?

users who uses a input method to input in their language, eg. Chinese and Japanese users.

Rofi version (rofi -v)



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