lbr-stack / lbr_fri_ros2_stack

ROS 1/2 integration for KUKA LBR IIWA 7/14 and Med 7/14
Apache License 2.0
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LBR iiwa with gripper robotiq_2f_85 #169

Open antonio1matos opened 2 months ago

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

Recently, I started using the lbr iiwa14 arm. I used the launch file code: from the lbr_bringup package. I wanted to add a gripper to the arm to start performing pick and place operations in the future, and the gripper I used was the robotiq_2f_85 found in To add the gripper to the end-effector of the iiwa14 arm, I went to the iiwa14 urdf and added the following line:

So the iiwa14 urdf became:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

In the gripper urdf, I set the parent as link_ee so that the gripper would be fixed to the end-effector of the arm, making the gripper urdf:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Then, from the iiwa14 urdf, which calls both the iiwa14 description and the gripper, I generate a new iiwa14_moveit_config using the setup assistant, which already includes the gripper. For example, in this new package (iiwa14_moveit_config), the moveit_controllers.yaml file already includes the gripper as follows:

MoveIt uses this configuration for controller management

moveit_controller_manager: moveit_simple_controller_manager/MoveItSimpleControllerManager

moveit_simple_controller_manager: controller_names:

  • joint_trajectory_controller
  • arm_controller
  • hand_controller

    joint_trajectory_controller: type: FollowJointTrajectory action_ns: follow_joint_trajectory default: true joints:

    • A1
    • A2
    • A3
    • A4
    • A5
    • A6
    • A7 action_ns: follow_joint_trajectory default: true arm_controller: type: FollowJointTrajectory action_ns: follow_joint_trajectory default: true joints:
    • A1
    • A2
    • A3
    • A4
    • A5
    • A6
    • A7 hand_controller: type: FollowJointTrajectory action_ns: follow_joint_trajectory default: true joints:
    • robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint

      Finally, when I try to run the launch file again, the arm already appears with the gripper, and it is possible to plan a movement, as shown in the attached image Screenshot from 2024-04-15 12-07-32 However, when I use the execute command, it fails. I cannot execute the movement. I believe this is due to the fact that the terminal shows this:

[move_group-8] [WARN] [1713220742.262760755] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint

It is not able to detect the robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint joint. I believe this may be due to the fact that in the launch file, functions like LBRDescriptionMixin, LBRROS2ControlMixin are called, where in the launch files where I use these classes, I do not define the gripper, such as in LBRROS2ControlMixin I only define the controllers related to the arm and not the gripper. Therefore, I would like to know if anyone could tell me if my addition process to the arm is correct, and if so, what I should edit in the launch files present in the lbr-stack so that I can already execute the trajectory of the arm+gripper.

mhubii commented 2 months ago

wow! This is awesome progress @antonio1matos , love it!

Would you be able to create a pull request, I can create a dev-branch for you. I can also add PRs to your fork, so we debug this together. Please if you could share your fork with me, that would be awesome!

Please also feel free to tag me (@mhubii) if you need quicker responses.

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

Ok, I'll try to do that. I'll let you know once it's done.

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

@mhubii do i have the rights to push the package i have on my pc? antonio@antonio-HP-Pavilion-Laptop-15-cs1xxx:~/lbr-stack/src/lbr_fri_ros2_stack$ git push origin iiwa14_gripper ERROR: Permission to lbr-stack/lbr_fri_ros2_stack.git denied to antonio1matos. fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

mhubii commented 2 months ago

so you'd have to create a fork, see below


you can then make changes to your fork and create a pull request. In turn, I can request changes to your fork. Once we are happy with everything, we can merge your fork back into this repository.

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

Hi @mhubii Sorry to bother. I'm having difficulty adding the lbr-stack package with my changes to include the gripper on my GitHub. Do you think it's possible for me to send you the package in a zip file and for you to add it to GitHub so that both you and I have access?

mhubii commented 2 months ago

that would be quite cumbersome, and I would prefer not to do it that way

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

OK, one question. After forking your repository, do I need to clone the forked repository again? Or since I already have the package on my PC with the changes made, do I just need to push it to GitHub?

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

Hi @mhubii I think i already created the fork with my changes. You can see in this link:

mhubii commented 2 months ago

Oh yes, true. That is something we can work on

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

Ok nice. If you then run: ros2 launch lbr_bringup model:=iiwa14 moveit:=true you will see that the robot will appear with the gripper and you will be able to plan a trajetory. To do that you need to put in MOtion Planning -> Interactive Marker Size 0.2 to be able to move the arm the way you want in the rviz as you can see the in the following picture. image Btw you will also have to have the package from the github as you mentioned before:

Btw in the robotiq_gripper package in the package robotiq_description -> folder urdf -> file 2f_85.ros2_control.xacro i added the link_ee in:

            <param name="link_ee">false</param> 

Instead of being:

            <!-- Set use_dummy to true to connect to a dummy driver for testing purposes. -->
            <param name="use_dummy">false</param> 

I put:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

false ----------------------------- After that if you run: ros2 launch lbr_bringup model:=iiwa14 moveit:=true you will that problem that was showing in the terminal that was: [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713220742.262760755] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint I think this is a simple problem, but as i said earlier i dont know what i need to change to be able to also execute the robot movement in the rviz. Thank you for trying to help me
mhubii commented 2 months ago

do you think it would be possible to put these changes into a new package under lbr_demos

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

Yes, i think so. You want me to put the package of the gripper robotiq inside the package lbr_demo of from lbr_fri_ros2_stack?

mhubii commented 2 months ago

maybe just a quick install instructions, or in case the package is on the ros index, might put it into package.xml

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

@mhubii I dont know very well how to do that. Can i put the roboiq package inside lbr_demos? In that case you have all the packages needed to run the ros2 launch lbr_bringup model:=iiwa14 moveit:=true correctly.

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

@mhubii do you want me to add you as collaborator in the repository: antonio1matos/lbr_fri_ros2_stack?

mhubii commented 2 months ago

I can attempt to give you some high level suggestions, but you might need to work on some details yourself

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

Ok, sure. Any suggestion is always welcome. I already was able to put the robot to execute the trajectory. The robot with the gripper is able to plan aand execute the trajectpry to the point that i want. However in the terminal it still always appears the following warninng:

[move_group-8] [WARN] [1713220742.262760755] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

Hi @mhubii AS you can see in this picture the robot is able to execute a certain trajectory: image However a problem that i have that im not understanding is the fact that some links of the gripper: robotiq_85_left_inner_knuckle_link, robotiq_85_right_inner_knuckle_link, robotiq_85_left_finger_tip_link and robotiq_85_right_finger_tip_link are not fixed in the rest of the gripper. This gripper links are loose and shaking in the gazebo. Do you know what could be the reason? In the rviz they are alright, but in the gazebo simulation they aren´t. This how this links look in gazebo. image

mhubii commented 2 months ago

it could be that they are uncontrolled, but unsure. Could you put your terminal output here?

antonio1matos commented 2 months ago

antonio@antonio-HP-Pavilion-Laptop-15-cs1xxx:~$ ros2 launch lbr_bringup model:=iiwa14 moveit:=true [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/antonio/.ros/log/2024-04-18-12-15-45-866222-antonio-HP-Pavilion-Laptop-15-cs1xxx-3996 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO [INFO] [gzserver-1]: process started with pid [3998] [INFO] [gzclient-2]: process started with pid [4000] [INFO] []: process started with pid [4002] [INFO] [spawner-4]: process started with pid [4004] [INFO] [robot_state_publisher-5]: process started with pid [4006] [INFO] [spawner-6]: process started with pid [4008] [INFO] [static_transform_publisher-7]: process started with pid [4010] [INFO] [move_group-8]: process started with pid [4012] [static_transform_publisher-7] [INFO] [1713438947.622829782] [static_transform_publisher_1Dbz6kiJ4JkcRTD7]: Spinning until stopped - publishing transform [static_transform_publisher-7] translation: ('0.000000', '0.000000', '0.000000') [static_transform_publisher-7] rotation: ('0.000000', '0.000000', '0.000000', '1.000000') [static_transform_publisher-7] from 'world' to 'lbr/world' [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638512117] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment link_0 [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638683118] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment link_1 [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638716110] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment link_2 [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638741566] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment link_3 [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638765657] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment link_4 [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638789088] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment link_5 [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638813234] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment link_6 [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638837248] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment link_7 [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638860677] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment link_ee [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638881733] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment robotiq_85_base_link [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638906532] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment robotiq_85_left_finger_link [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638930628] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment robotiq_85_left_finger_tip_link [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638954146] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment robotiq_85_left_inner_knuckle_link [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638967238] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment robotiq_85_left_knuckle_link [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638980072] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment robotiq_85_right_finger_link [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.638999874] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment robotiq_85_right_finger_tip_link [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.639024434] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment robotiq_85_right_inner_knuckle_link [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.639047695] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment robotiq_85_right_knuckle_link [robot_state_publisher-5] [INFO] [1713438947.639071715] [lbr.robot_state_publisher]: got segment world [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438947.714738343] [moveit_rdf_loader.rdf_loader]: Loaded robot model in 0 seconds [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438947.715144539] [moveit_robot_model.robot_model]: Loading robot model 'iiwa14'... [] [INFO] [1713438948.221822485] [lbr.spawn_entity]: Spawn Entity started [] [INFO] [1713438948.222283691] [lbr.spawn_entity]: Loading entity published on topic robot_description [] /opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rclpy/ UserWarning: DurabilityPolicy.RMW_QOS_POLICY_DURABILITY_TRANSIENT_LOCAL is deprecated. Use DurabilityPolicy.TRANSIENT_LOCAL instead. [] warnings.warn( [] [INFO] [1713438948.224545853] [lbr.spawn_entity]: Waiting for entity xml on robot_description [] [INFO] [1713438948.226879103] [lbr.spawn_entity]: Waiting for service /spawn_entity, timeout = 30 [] [INFO] [1713438948.227275256] [lbr.spawn_entity]: Waiting for service /spawn_entity [] [INFO] [1713438948.732115218] [lbr.spawn_entity]: Calling service /spawn_entity [] [INFO] [1713438949.129035349] [lbr.spawn_entity]: Spawn status: SpawnEntity: Successfully spawned entity [lbr] [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.270125702] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading gazebo_ros2_control plugin [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.274652822] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Starting gazebo_ros2_control plugin in namespace: /lbr [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.274880558] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Starting gazebo_ros2_control plugin in ros 2 node: gazebo_ros2_control [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.278217544] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: connected to service!! robot_state_publisher [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.280370042] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Received urdf from param server, parsing... [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.280457858] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading parameter files /home/antonio/lbr-stack/install/lbr_ros2_control/share/lbr_ros2_control/config/lbr_controllers.yaml [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.297255995] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: A1

[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.297496887] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: A2

[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.297637888] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: A3

[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.297803222] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: A4

[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.297968188] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: A5

[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.298107629] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: A6

[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.298273723] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: A7

[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.298600010] [resource_manager]: Initialize hardware 'lbr_system_interface' [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.298876347] [resource_manager]: Successful initialization of hardware 'lbr_system_interface' [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.299061213] [resource_manager]: 'configure' hardware 'lbr_system_interface'

[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.299097133] [resource_manager]: 'activate' hardware 'lbr_system_interface'

[gzserver-1] [ERROR] [1713438949.299166307] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: The plugin failed to load for some reason. Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class mock_components/GenericSystem with base class type gazebo_ros2_control::GazeboSystemInterface does not exist. Declared types are gazebo_ros2_control/GazeboSystem [gzserver-1] [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.299296343] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading controller_manager [gzserver-1] [WARN] [1713438949.337095159] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Desired controller update period (0.01 s) is slower than the gazebo simulation period (0.001 s). [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.337325299] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: Loaded gazebo_ros2_control. [INFO] []: process has finished cleanly [pid 4002] [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.376212353] [lbr.controller_manager]: Loading controller 'joint_trajectory_controller' [gzserver-1] [WARN] [1713438949.409897839] [lbr.joint_trajectory_controller]: [Deprecated]: "allow_nonzero_velocity_at_trajectory_end" is set to true. The default behavior will change to false. [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.421269386] [lbr.controller_manager]: Loading controller 'joint_state_broadcaster' [spawner-6] [INFO] [1713438949.420688287] [lbr.spawner_joint_trajectory_controller]: Loaded joint_trajectory_controller [INFO] [rviz2-9]: process started with pid [4192] [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.439848532] [lbr.controller_manager]: Configuring controller 'joint_trajectory_controller' [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.440390437] [lbr.joint_trajectory_controller]: No specific joint names are used for command interfaces. Using 'joints' parameter. [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.440448731] [lbr.joint_trajectory_controller]: Command interfaces are [position] and state interfaces are [position velocity]. [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.440475533] [lbr.joint_trajectory_controller]: Using 'splines' interpolation method. [spawner-4] [INFO] [1713438949.440711605] [lbr.spawner_joint_state_broadcaster]: Loaded joint_state_broadcaster [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.442474255] [lbr.joint_trajectory_controller]: Controller state will be published at 50.00 Hz. [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.453866060] [lbr.joint_trajectory_controller]: Action status changes will be monitored at 20.00 Hz. [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.460609364] [lbr.controller_manager]: Configuring controller 'joint_state_broadcaster' [gzserver-1] [INFO] [1713438949.460742099] [lbr.joint_state_broadcaster]: 'joints' or 'interfaces' parameter is empty. All available state interfaces will be published [rviz2-9] Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway. [spawner-4] [INFO] [1713438949.491498057] [lbr.spawner_joint_state_broadcaster]: Configured and activated joint_state_broadcaster [spawner-6] [INFO] [1713438949.512298962] [lbr.spawner_joint_trajectory_controller]: Configured and activated joint_trajectory_controller [INFO] [spawner-4]: process has finished cleanly [pid 4004] [INFO] [spawner-6]: process has finished cleanly [pid 4008] [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438949.905129196] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438949.905324249] [rviz2]: OpenGl version: 4.6 (GLSL 4.6) [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438949.929344400] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED [rviz2-9] Warning: class_loader.impl: SEVERE WARNING!!! A namespace collision has occurred with plugin factory for class rviz_default_plugins::displays::InteractiveMarkerDisplay. New factory will OVERWRITE existing one. This situation occurs when libraries containing plugins are directly linked against an executable (the one running right now generating this message). Please separate plugins out into their own library or just don't link against the library and use either class_loader::ClassLoader/MultiLibraryClassLoader to open. [rviz2-9] at line 253 in /opt/ros/humble/include/class_loader/class_loader/class_loader_core.hpp [rviz2-9] [ERROR] [1713438953.155641322] [moveit_ros_visualization.motion_planning_frame]: Action server: /recognize_objects not available [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438953.182066596] [moveit_ros_visualization.motion_planning_frame]: MoveGroup namespace changed: / -> . Reloading params. [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438953.191173374] [moveit_ros_visualization.motion_planning_frame]: MoveGroup namespace changed: / -> lbr. Reloading params. [rviz2-9] [WARN] [1713438953.258462256] [rcl.logging_rosout]: Publisher already registered for provided node name. If this is due to multiple nodes with the same name then all logs for that logger name will go out over the existing publisher. As soon as any node with that name is destructed it will unregister the publisher, preventing any further logs for that name from being published on the rosout topic. [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438953.313704541] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Publishing maintained planning scene on 'monitored_planning_scene' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438953.315615058] [moveit.ros_planning_interface.moveit_cpp]: Listening to 'joint_states' for joint states [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438953.319755399] [moveit_ros.current_state_monitor]: Listening to joint states on topic 'joint_states' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438953.322097790] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Listening to '/lbr/attached_collision_object' for attached collision objects [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438953.322147922] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Starting planning scene monitor [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438953.325556714] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Listening to '/lbr/planning_scene' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438953.325606359] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Starting world geometry update monitor for collision objects, attached objects, octomap updates. [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438953.327588214] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Listening to 'collision_object' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438953.330255682] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Listening to 'planning_scene_world' for planning scene world geometry [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438953.333592684] [moveit.ros.occupancy_map_monitor.middleware_handle]: Resolution not specified for Octomap. Assuming resolution = 0.1 instead [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438953.701462992] [moveit_rdf_loader.rdf_loader]: Loaded robot model in 0.395 seconds [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438953.702683991] [moveit_robot_model.robot_model]: Loading robot model 'iiwa14'... [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.172768022] [moveit.ros_planning_interface.moveit_cpp]: Loading planning pipeline 'ompl' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.244094606] [moveit.ros_planning.planning_pipeline]: Using planning interface 'OMPL' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.261405799] [moveit_ros.add_time_optimal_parameterization]: Param 'ompl.path_tolerance' was not set. Using default value: 0.100000 [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.261445875] [moveit_ros.add_time_optimal_parameterization]: Param 'ompl.resample_dt' was not set. Using default value: 0.100000 [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.261463736] [moveit_ros.add_time_optimal_parameterization]: Param 'ompl.min_angle_change' was not set. Using default value: 0.001000 [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.261750531] [moveit_ros.fix_workspace_bounds]: Param 'ompl.default_workspace_bounds' was not set. Using default value: 10.000000 [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.261869329] [moveit_ros.fix_start_state_bounds]: Param 'ompl.start_state_max_bounds_error' was set to 0.100000 [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.261886997] [moveit_ros.fix_start_state_bounds]: Param 'ompl.start_state_max_dt' was not set. Using default value: 0.500000 [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.261978291] [moveit_ros.fix_start_state_collision]: Param 'ompl.start_state_max_dt' was not set. Using default value: 0.500000 [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.262004332] [moveit_ros.fix_start_state_collision]: Param 'ompl.jiggle_fraction' was not set. Using default value: 0.020000 [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.262094490] [moveit_ros.fix_start_state_collision]: Param 'ompl.max_sampling_attempts' was not set. Using default value: 100 [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.262292614] [moveit.ros_planning.planning_pipeline]: Using planning request adapter 'Add Time Optimal Parameterization' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.262346030] [moveit.ros_planning.planning_pipeline]: Using planning request adapter 'Resolve constraint frames to robot links' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.262364718] [moveit.ros_planning.planning_pipeline]: Using planning request adapter 'Fix Workspace Bounds' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.262381328] [moveit.ros_planning.planning_pipeline]: Using planning request adapter 'Fix Start State Bounds' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.262394571] [moveit.ros_planning.planning_pipeline]: Using planning request adapter 'Fix Start State In Collision' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.262410854] [moveit.ros_planning.planning_pipeline]: Using planning request adapter 'Fix Start State Path Constraints' [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.401154686] [moveit.plugins.moveit_simple_controller_manager]: Added FollowJointTrajectory controller for joint_trajectory_controller [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.402297270] [moveit.plugins.moveit_simple_controller_manager]: Returned 1 controllers in list [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.402677320] [moveit.plugins.moveit_simple_controller_manager]: Returned 1 controllers in list [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.404785910] [moveit_ros.trajectory_execution_manager]: Trajectory execution is managing controllers [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.404869006] [move_group.move_group]: MoveGroup debug mode is ON [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.487500043] [move_group.move_group]: [move_group-8] [move_group-8] **** [move_group-8] MoveGroup using: [move_group-8] - ApplyPlanningSceneService [move_group-8] - ClearOctomapService [move_group-8] - CartesianPathService [move_group-8] - ExecuteTrajectoryAction [move_group-8] - GetPlanningSceneService [move_group-8] - KinematicsService [move_group-8] - MoveAction [move_group-8] - MotionPlanService [move_group-8] - QueryPlannersService [move_group-8] * - StateValidationService [move_group-8] **** [move_group-8] [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.487633738] [moveit_move_group_capabilities_base.move_group_context]: MoveGroup context using planning plugin ompl_interface/OMPLPlanner [move_group-8] [INFO] [1713438954.487656990] [moveit_move_group_capabilities_base.move_group_context]: MoveGroup context initialization complete [move_group-8] Loading 'move_group/ApplyPlanningSceneService'... [move_group-8] Loading 'move_group/ClearOctomapService'... [move_group-8] Loading 'move_group/MoveGroupCartesianPathService'... [move_group-8] Loading 'move_group/MoveGroupExecuteTrajectoryAction'... [move_group-8] Loading 'move_group/MoveGroupGetPlanningSceneService'... [move_group-8] Loading 'move_group/MoveGroupKinematicsService'... [move_group-8] Loading 'move_group/MoveGroupMoveAction'... [move_group-8] Loading 'move_group/MoveGroupPlanService'... [move_group-8] Loading 'move_group/MoveGroupQueryPlannersService'... [move_group-8] Loading 'move_group/MoveGroupStateValidationService'... [move_group-8] [move_group-8] You can start planning now! [move_group-8] [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438954.670461951] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438955.682569746] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438956.685536964] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438957.699826928] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438958.701264195] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438959.722193844] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438960.750070040] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438961.746135312] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Starting planning scene monitor [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438961.750999870] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Listening to '/lbr/monitored_planning_scene' [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438961.752605834] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438962.237141084] [interactive_marker_display_99536845822784]: Connected on namespace: lbr/rviz_moveit_motion_planning_display/robot_interaction_interactive_marker_topic [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438962.292558800] [interactive_marker_display_99536845822784]: Sending request for interactive markers [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438962.299772428] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Stopping planning scene monitor [rviz2-9] [WARN] [1713438962.329149851] [interactive_marker_display_99536845822784]: Server not available during initialization, resetting [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438962.744579780] [moveit_rdf_loader.rdf_loader]: Loaded robot model in 0.385 seconds [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438962.744750664] [moveit_robot_model.robot_model]: Loading robot model 'iiwa14'... [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438962.772983301] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438963.802846365] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438964.821929209] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438965.830667532] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438966.838970862] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438967.857049238] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438968.886886783] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438969.846764544] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Starting planning scene monitor [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438969.851931886] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Listening to '/lbr/monitored_planning_scene' [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438969.901450401] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438969.937886010] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Unable to transform object from frame 'lbr/robotiq_85_left_finger_link' to planning frame'world' (Could not find a connection between 'world' and 'lbr/robotiq_85_left_finger_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.) [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438969.938041356] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Unable to transform object from frame 'lbr/robotiq_85_left_knuckle_link' to planning frame'world' (Could not find a connection between 'world' and 'lbr/robotiq_85_left_knuckle_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.) [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438969.938092888] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Unable to transform object from frame 'lbr/robotiq_85_right_finger_link' to planning frame'world' (Could not find a connection between 'world' and 'lbr/robotiq_85_right_finger_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.) [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438969.938876227] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Unable to transform object from frame 'lbr/robotiq_85_right_knuckle_link' to planning frame'world' (Could not find a connection between 'world' and 'lbr/robotiq_85_right_knuckle_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.) [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438969.944557551] [interactive_marker_display_99536845822784]: Sending request for interactive markers [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438969.970263118] [moveit_ros_visualization.motion_planning_frame]: group arm [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438969.971783334] [moveit_ros_visualization.motion_planning_frame]: Constructing new MoveGroup connection for group 'arm' in namespace 'lbr' [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438969.982726778] [interactive_marker_display_99536845822784]: Service response received for initialization [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438970.015764824] [move_group_interface]: Ready to take commands for planning group arm. [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438970.053929646] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Unable to transform object from frame 'lbr/robotiq_85_left_finger_link' to planning frame'world' (Could not find a connection between 'world' and 'lbr/robotiq_85_left_finger_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.) [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438970.053997445] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Unable to transform object from frame 'lbr/robotiq_85_left_knuckle_link' to planning frame'world' (Could not find a connection between 'world' and 'lbr/robotiq_85_left_knuckle_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.) [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438970.054028786] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Unable to transform object from frame 'lbr/robotiq_85_right_finger_link' to planning frame'world' (Could not find a connection between 'world' and 'lbr/robotiq_85_right_finger_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.) [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438970.054055826] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: Unable to transform object from frame 'lbr/robotiq_85_right_knuckle_link' to planning frame'world' (Could not find a connection between 'world' and 'lbr/robotiq_85_right_knuckle_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.) [rviz2-9] [INFO] [1713438970.074881082] [moveit_ros_visualization.motion_planning_frame]: group arm [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438970.929999037] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438971.951567070] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438972.962452921] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint [move_group-8] [WARN] [1713438973.967562591] [moveit_ros.planning_scene_monitor.planning_scene_monitor]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint

mhubii commented 2 months ago

this could be a relevant error

[gzserver-1] [ERROR] [1713438949.299166307] [lbr.gazebo_ros2_control]: The plugin failed to load for some reason. Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class mock_components/GenericSystem with base class type gazebo_ros2_control::GazeboSystemInterface does not exist. Declared types are gazebo_ros2_control/GazeboSystem