lbr-stack / lbr_fri_ros2_stack

ROS 1/2 integration for KUKA LBR IIWA 7/14 and Med 7/14
Apache License 2.0
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Pose Demo as ROS 2 Controller #172

Open mhubii opened 1 month ago

mhubii commented 1 month ago

okay @BoWangFromMars , formatting mostly finished. Unfortunately the intended use of this repository is less documented atm, but you can find an explanation for your demo here:

this leaves me with 2 questions:

would you be interested in turning the pose_control into a ros2_controller? I could assist you, otherwise I could do that myself. Let me know. We should open a new PR for that though.

_Originally posted by @mhubii in

BoWangFromMars commented 1 month ago

Thank you@mhubii. I would like to try to do it on my own at first. If any problems in this process, I will ask for your help. I want to clarify the requirenments in this task, which I need to rewrite pose_control as ros2_controller(e.g and consider pose limits(such as position limits and velocity limits of the robot) simultaneously. Is it right?

mhubii commented 1 month ago

that is correct. The goal would be for the user to run your pose_control via

ros2 launch lbr_bringup ctrl:=pose_control

or similar. Writing a ros2_controller can be a bit of a headache at first. Please don't hesitate to ask questions if anything is unclear!

BoWangFromMars commented 1 month ago

Hello, @mhubii. I feel sorry for that I did not have enough time to do this task two weeks ago, because I was busy for my course and lab works. When I got ready to process it last week, I found you had done it. Great jobs, thank you.

mhubii commented 1 month ago

hey @BoWangFromMars , thanks for returning to this. No worries at all!

So your demo is still a node, but ideally would be a ros2_controller. This hasn't been done yet.