lbr-stack / lbr_fri_ros2_stack

ROS 1/2 integration for KUKA LBR IIWA 7/14 and Med 7/14
Apache License 2.0
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Cartesian control #178

Open vopsi99 opened 1 month ago

vopsi99 commented 1 month ago

Hello, I tried using this repository but my knowledge in ros is rather mediocre. I am curious if this stack has cartesian control implementation or not.

It may be a stupid question, but I am stuck for quite some time and I could really use some help..

mhubii commented 1 month ago

no worries @vopsi99 and thank you for raising this issue. In principle yes, in practise users have to put in some effort to do this right now. I can pinpoint you to some examples and try to improve the demos.

What are you trying to achieve:

vopsi99 commented 1 month ago

I managed to move the end-effector incrementally but it is really unstable, so I need to move to an absolute pose with a certain velocity. I supposed this kind of motion would be the best to further integrate a stereo camera to position the robot in correlation to some markers in the workspace.

mhubii commented 1 month ago

so there is a demo here:

You'd have to add a node that sends your desired pose. This can be done in Python, similar to this e.g.

vopsi99 commented 1 month ago

So I should only send from another node my desired pose to this demo? This is the demo that I modified to send incremental values for x,y,z on position and orientation, but on Y orientation, for example, it always went crazy even if I was doing really small movement increments.

mhubii commented 1 month ago

okay I'll have to double check this demo, as it was community contributed. But this demo sends an absolute pose.

You will have to make sure you:

mhubii commented 1 month ago

I think this demo needs an update and should really allow users to control a velocity rather than absolute poses maybe

vopsi99 commented 1 month ago

Yes, I realised that a really small increment (0.001) would make the movement smoother.For positioning on x,y and z everything seems fine, but when I am trying to orient it, it just breaks everything.

After sending the increment on Y for longer it tends to jump into a position and i get the inverse kinematics failed error.

I think velocity control would be really useful for everyone.

mhubii commented 1 month ago

thank you for the feedback. Let's add support for this then.