lbraglia / aplore3

[R package]: Datasets from "Applied Logistic Regression" by Hosmer D.W., Lemeshow S. and Sturdivant X.
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reproduce more examples/parts of text in the vignette #1

Open lbraglia opened 9 years ago

mlamias commented 9 years ago

Hi, Ibraglia,

I'm a statistician and would love to assist as time allows. How can I help/where should I start? I have the text and am able to recreate the examples. I am well versed in knitr as well.

lbraglia commented 9 years ago

Hi mlamias,

sorry for the delay (as you said, 'when time allows' :) ). Thanks for volounteering!

The vignette only executes aplore3 examples so, in order to contribute, you could send (eg via pull request (or in alternative via mail if you're not acquainted with git-github)) new examples: to do so, you need to modify roxygen doc in R subdir.

The best would be have all statistical models/algorithms presented in the book covered with the minimal number of examples needed (for minimal verbosity):

Personally i do not prefer a package in particular over another, as far as results are equal (more or less) to those presented in the book; other things equal, it's better if the package comes from mainstream/known developers.

And finally if you keep consistent with already existing code/styles (eg tables number and pagec cited, graph with title indicating fig number ecc) it would be great!!

BTW, thanks again and let me know!

Best, Luca