lbryio / lbry-desktop

A browser and wallet for LBRY, the decentralized, user-controlled content marketplace.
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Digital Fingerprint #6160

Open QuirkyRobots opened 3 years ago

QuirkyRobots commented 3 years ago

Like all media sharing platforms, LBRY/Odysee suffers from content hijacking for monetary gain or unjust notoriety.

I think LBRY could really help to minimise this problem, by inserting a digital fingerprint to each file registered on the blockchain.

This fingerprint would link the file back to the original channel, and if the current channel, of the viewed content, does not match, it would be demonetised and a warning would show, with the original channel as a banner link.

Nothing is foolproof, but this could dramatically hider digital theft and help LBRY/Odysee compete in an digital era where people/organisations, want to protect their digital identity.

There are many ways this could be implemented, where the copyright holder can also protect their anonymity, thus, helping LBRY remain an privacy based free speech platform.

tzarebczan commented 3 years ago

There is already a file hash stored with each claim. This is easily circumventable by slightly changing the file. I don't think this would prevent anything we are seeing today, but we should still consider using the file hash to do something along these lines.

QuirkyRobots commented 3 years ago

Typically, these are fingerprints directly on the file, such as a unique colour at certain pixels that act a little like a QR code, but can't be seen by the human eye. LBRY could automatically embed one in to the video code when transcoding, then each time a video tries to be uploaded, the app/site checks to see if this has come from copyrighted LBRY content and if it has, an action is performed, such as blocking upload, putting a warning on the content with a link back to the original, blocking auto tips, giving a strike, or flagging the original uploader to take action.