lbryio / lbry-sdk

The LBRY SDK for building decentralized, censorship resistant, monetized, digital content apps.
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DHT: improve data hosting metric #3633

Closed shyba closed 1 year ago

shyba commented 2 years ago

this issue is considered completed when the dashboard has an automatically-updating metric for how many TB of data is available for download

Today, we listen for queries under a shard (node id prefix) and calculate the data availability from what got announced vs the amount that got claimed. This is efficient but inaccurate, because:

This issue proposes a new way using the script from #3625 like:

Not in this PR idea:

fixes #3633

moodyjon commented 1 year ago

pick 2 random bytes query hub for all streams starting with those 2 random bytes (should be 270-350 claims)

Are you talking about searching by stream name or stream ID?

Claim names are human-meaningful, and the distribution of characters will not be uniform. The claim IDs would be uniformly random (IIUC) hex characters.

I worry that searching by name would produce widely varying numbers of claims (or claims that are correlated in some way).

shyba commented 1 year ago

Hello there,

LBRY DHT is based on Kademlia with sha384 hashing. Items are only searchable by content hash (sd_hash in a claim). This step searches the hub for sd_hashes samples. Check