lbryio / lbry-sdk

The LBRY SDK for building decentralized, censorship resistant, monetized, digital content apps.
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Reposts with deletions/edits V2 #3697

Closed moodyjon closed 1 year ago

moodyjon commented 1 year ago


This based on a different claim.proto schema that limits modifications to only reposts of streams and only within a specific set of "Stream.Extension" fields. This is enforced at the level of the protobuf.

The Stream.Extension message contains a protobuf.Any. Right now I check the type name to make sure it's a type that 1) is known when the SDK is built, and 2) comes from a limited list of messages that are intended to be used as extensions. But I think it would be possible to put a claim ID as the "type_url_prefix" of protobuf.Any and download the "descriptor" needed to understand the type. For example, if the "@type" field of the Any message contains "/pb.Cad", the SDK can try to download the contents pointed to by .

To see the claim.proto changes go here:

Hub changes that would index the extension fields are TODO.

lyoshenka commented 1 year ago

leaving a note since im assigned as reviewer: we decided to go with a simple string->[]string mapping instead of protobuf.Any

moodyjon commented 1 year ago

State of this is I need to remove the dynamic extension type stuff, and add some code to catch StreamExtensionTypeUnresolved when an unknown extension is encountered. For example, a stream claim has some extensions only some of which are of known type. We would want to ignore the unknown ones.

moodyjon commented 1 year ago

To see the claim.proto changes go here:

The latest is I am storing extensions in a map instead of a repeated field. (Got that idea from:

    // Value should contain one of the extension types (e.g. StringMap).
    // Key provides a hint indicating what keys we should expect in the map.
    map<string, google.protobuf.Any> extensions = 14;

For these StringMap extensions, the key of the map entry is what I was previously placing in StringMap.schema. (For resource-like things, the key would be the resource name).

Also, the values in StringMap are lists of strings. (Got that idea from:

// StringMap is a generic kind of Stream.Extension (see claim.proto) which
// is useful for testing, but is not space-efficient and does not enforce a
// limited set of fields.
message StringMap {
    map<string, StringList> s = 2;

message StringList {
    repeated string vs = 1;
moodyjon commented 1 year ago

Latest .proto changes look like:

message Stream {
    Source source = 1;
    string author = 2;
    string license = 3;
    string license_url = 4;
    int64 release_time = 5; // seconds since UNIX epoch
    Fee fee = 6;
    oneof type {
        Image image = 10;
        Video video = 11;
        Audio audio = 12;
        Software software = 13;

    // Map key is a label for the extension hinting what info we should expect.
    // For example, one could have 2 extensions, "ebook" and "literature", which
    // are both StringMaps, but contain different sets of keys.
    // Map value should contain one of the extension types (e.g. StringMap)
    // encoded as a protobuf.Any.
    map<string, google.protobuf.Any> extensions = 14;

    message Modifiable {
        // Limit modifications to extensions for now.
        map<string, google.protobuf.Any> extensions = 1;

message ModifyStream {
    Stream.Modifiable deletions = 1;
    Stream.Modifiable edits = 2;

message ModifyingClaimReference {
    bytes claim_hash = 1;
    oneof type {
        ModifyStream stream = 2;
        // Limit modifications to streams for now.
// StringMap is a generic kind of Stream.Extension (see claim.proto) which
// is useful for testing & prototyping, but is not space-efficient and does
// not enforce a fixed set of fields.
message StringMap {
    message Value {
        repeated string vs = 1;
    map<string, Value> s = 1;
moodyjon commented 1 year ago

Planning some further simplification after talking to @lyoshenka.

moodyjon commented 1 year ago

Closed in favor of #3706