lbryio / lbry-sdk

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Various tests failing when run on Ubuntu 22.04.1: "ValueError: unsupported hash type ripemd160" #3710

Closed moodyjon closed 1 year ago

moodyjon commented 1 year ago

I just started seeing this today in some of the CI runs on my pull requests.

Current theory is some of the Github runners are Ubuntu 22.04.1 now, and the OpenSSL library is not providing ripemd160 anymore in Ubuntu 22.04.1.


I have seen passing runs on Ubuntu 20.04.5.

Example failure:

ERROR: test_download_data_timeout (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.15/x64/lib/python3.7/", line 150, in __hash_new
    return, data)
ValueError: [digital envelope routines] initialization error

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/lbry/", line 145, in run
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.15/x64/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 587, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/tests/unit/stream/", line 394, in test_download_data_timeout
    await self.setup_stream_manager()
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/tests/unit/stream/", line 143, in setup_stream_manager
    balance, fee)
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/tests/unit/stream/", line 105, in get_mock_wallet
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/lbry/wallet/", line 87, in generate_account
    return Account.generate(ledger, self)
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/lbry/wallet/", line 310, in generate
    'address_generator': address_generator or {}
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/lbry/wallet/", line 343, in from_dict
    name = f'Account #{public_key.address}'
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/lbry/wallet/", line 54, in __get__
    value = self.f(obj)
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/lbry/wallet/", line 118, in address
    return self.ledger.public_key_to_address(self.pubkey_bytes)
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/lbry/wallet/", line 202, in public_key_to_address
    return cls.hash160_to_address(hash160(public_key))
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/lbry/crypto/", line 36, in hash160
    return ripemd160(sha256(x))
  File "/home/runner/work/lbry-sdk/lbry-sdk/lbry/crypto/", line 18, in ripemd160
    h ='ripemd160')
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.15/x64/lib/python3.7/", line 156, in __hash_new
    return __get_builtin_constructor(name)(data)
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.15/x64/lib/python3.7/", line 113, in __get_builtin_constructor
    raise ValueError('unsupported hash type ' + name)
ValueError: unsupported hash type ripemd160
moodyjon commented 1 year ago

I haven't figured out what the consensus is on the best solution. People are talking about adding their own native python implementation.

moodyjon commented 1 year ago

OpenSSL 3.0.7 may be reversing the deprecation.

See also: openssl/openssl pull 19375

moodyjon commented 1 year ago

Alternative pure python implementation:

drzraf commented 7 months ago

See about another possibility to fix this