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Can't load lbrynet on Linux Mint #3714

Open rtevans01 opened 1 year ago

rtevans01 commented 1 year ago

Am I missing a detail somewher? I simply downloaded the file, extracted it, and then clicked on it but nothing happens. I made sure the box for "Allow executing file as program" was checked. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

keikari commented 1 year ago

What happens if you launch it from cli? ./lbrynet start

rtevans01 commented 1 year ago

./lbrynet start

cd Downloads/zip ~/Downloads/zip$ ./lbrynet start 2022-11-26 10:07:28,652 INFO lbry.extras.daemon.daemon:489: Starting LBRYNet Daemon 2022-11-26 10:07:28,652 INFO lbry.extras.daemon.daemon:491: Platform: { "processor": "x86_64", "python_version": "3.7.15", "platform": "Linux-5.15.0-53-generic-x86_64-with-debian-bullseye-sid", "os_release": "5.15.0-53-generic", "os_system": "Linux", "lbrynet_version": "0.112.0", "version": "0.112.0", "build": "release", "distro": { "id": "linuxmint", "version": "20.3", "version_parts": { "major": "20", "minor": "3", "build_number": "" }, "like": "ubuntu", "codename": "una" }, "desktop": "X-Cinnamon" } 2022-11-26 10:07:28,653 ERROR lbry.extras.daemon.daemon:503: RPC server failed to bind TCP localhost:5279 2022-11-26 10:07:28,654 INFO lbry.extras.daemon.daemon:564: stopped api components 2022-11-26 10:07:28,654 INFO lbry.extras.daemon.daemon:568: stopped api server 2022-11-26 10:07:28,654 INFO lbry.extras.daemon.daemon:571: finished shutting down

Okay something happened. I guess it's running now? I see several lbrynet listings in my system monitor.

keikari commented 1 year ago

Do you possibly already have LBRY desktop app running? It also uses lbrynet daemon, and starts its own when started, if there isn't already running one. Or then something else is using that same port.

rtevans01 commented 1 year ago

Yes I had the LBRY client running. I didn't know it does the same thing. So I don't need to bother running lbrynet?

I'm trying to get the LBRY addon in LibreELEC to work so I can download videos and support the network. I've tried just running the LBRY client on a separate PC on the same LAN and changing the API address in the addon to http://localhost:5279 but nothing changes.

keikari commented 1 year ago

Does LibreELEC has any debug tools? Are you getting any kind of error message?

One thing to try is to add this in your daemon_settings.yml:
allowed_origin: '*'

If you have something important in your wallet, make sure that the API port isn't reachable from outside of the trusted LAN when allowed_origin is any, since that line would allow anyone to run calls on your lbrynet, if you firewall isn't blocking their access.

Or you may need to set the API to listen in in the daemon settings. (Not too familiar with networking, so not sure if either is necessary)

rtevans01 commented 1 year ago

Yes it can make logs. Here a link to one I just made. Seem like there's a lot of stuff to sift through though.

I added allowed_origin: '*' to the yml config file but still no change. Switched to a different LAN for both my laptop and the RPI but no change. Firewall was disabled the whole time. Here's the output from my terminal.

My wallet doesn't have any funds so I'm not worried about it.

I set the API in the YML config file to the port you suggested but nothing changed. Here's the output.

keikari commented 1 year ago

In both lbrynet logs it seems to be listening in, doesn't that mean it can't be reached outside of localhost.

rtevans01 commented 1 year ago

I have no idea.

I think I'll delete the modifications to the yml config file and hold off until things are more polished and easier to use. It would be nice if the LibreELEC addon offered login and download/upload capabilities on its own.

jilv220 commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue. But I can connect through instead of localhost:5279.