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Decentralized services #16

Open shyba opened 3 years ago

shyba commented 3 years ago

(assumes #3 ) (WIP. The main point is that we can pay weekly for using reflectors and announce them on DHT, using trackers to monitor them. Then a whole mechanism of discovery and reputation is possible, a bit like a masternode, a bit like IPFS web gateways, a bit like players and a bit like reflectors, a bit like seed hosts and a bit like web torrents or streaming torrent apps)

Problem Statement

Continuing the problem statement on #3, having trackers would bring us to what other p2p networks does today, but some issues remain. Both torrent and LBRY (probably any p2p network) relies on seed nodes for a good user experience (here called reflector as a superset of its features).

Running a full reflector server requires shitloads of bandwidth and disk space. Same applies to torrent seeders, with a crazy difference: reflector server also accepts and hosts arbitrary contents for free, while torrent seeders will only host things useful for the owner. Both are hard to setup, but torrent usually have small apps installed on some providers (easy to add lbry too). The main point here is that both lack one crucial thing: incentives.

Why people run torrent trackers and seeders? On torrent communities its common to have private/public torrents and private/public trackers. Many of those are also public. However, aside from some torrent websites that are actually able to monetize, those are tied to complex incentive mechanisms. Participating in a community/release group/cause is what bring people to run their own nodes. The issue starts when you have a community where people aren't tech savvy enough to operate the infra (not a lot of Nikos out there). This creates an environment where people are willing to pay for the network infrastructure and complexity skyrockets. From not knowing where to donate to trusting the donations, they also hit a hard roadblock where the donation won't come back directly as something immediately useful. You usually don't want to donate to "have LBRY working", but for "watching videos from my collection quickly without storing it" or "serving my content around".

So, not considering if we keep the protocol or switch to another one, the issue remains: how to enable people to host, pay and get paid?

Current issues are:




Everyone, its a decentralized issue