This chat will be used between the producer and moderators to replace the Teams meeting. Teams meetings are quite heavy in resources for the user's computer. Also the guests must be in the Teams system, which is not always possible. Having a simple chat system integrated in Timekeeper makes sense to streamline the production.
This will be a simple chat system with the following features and limitations:
Only text messages can be sent.
Simple markdown will be supported (bold, links etc).
Messages will be saved per session (in Azure Tables).
When a guest connects to the chat, they can see the whole chat history.
Connecting to the session requires entering a secret key. This key is sent to the chat guests per email or any other private communication.
The goal here is to keep unwanted users out of the chat, but to avoid a registration system and maintaining a list of guests.
No moderation system will be available.
No possibility to edit a message after it is sent.
This chat will be used between the producer and moderators to replace the Teams meeting. Teams meetings are quite heavy in resources for the user's computer. Also the guests must be in the Teams system, which is not always possible. Having a simple chat system integrated in Timekeeper makes sense to streamline the production.
This will be a simple chat system with the following features and limitations: