lbussy / WsprryPi

A QRP LF/MF/HF/VHF WSPR transmitter leveraging a Raspberry Pi
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Filesystem Error Using Command Line #58

Closed AA7US closed 4 months ago

AA7US commented 4 months ago

Attempting to run some wspr beacons by using the command line and have encountered a new error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::filesystem::__cxx11::filesystem_error' what(): filesystem error: cannot get file time: No such file or directory [] Exiting, caught signal: 6

The wspr daemon was stopped first.

Here's the command I used and the full result:

sudo /usr/local/bin/wspr -s -o -r AA7US DM41 13 10140200 0 0 0 Wsprry Pi v1.1.0 (main). Running on: Raspberry Pi 2B or 3B (BCM2837). WSPR packet payload:

Extra options:

Ready to transmit (setup complete). Center frequency for WSPR trans: 10.140188 MHz. Waiting for next WSPR transmission window. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::filesystem::__cxx11::filesystem_error' what(): filesystem error: cannot get file time: No such file or directory [] Exiting, caught signal: 6

lbussy commented 4 months ago

Received - lemme poke at it

AA7US commented 4 months ago

Could this error be caused by using a relative file path somewhere in the code instead of an absolute (full) file path?

lbussy commented 4 months ago

Maybe. I just need to get in there and look. I have another minor issue with the supporting header files so it's going to take a quiet house and lots of coffee. 😄

lbussy commented 4 months ago

Working on this today ... no promises but I have some quiet time.

lbussy commented 4 months ago

This is fixed but not yet released. The issue was that I was not checking if we were using an .ini file in the loop.

This fix will be in the next release (in theory 1.2.1.)

AA7US commented 4 months ago

Thank you! 🙏🏼