lbussy / WsprryPi

A QRP LF/MF/HF/VHF WSPR transmitter leveraging a Raspberry Pi
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Check for Time Service #60

Closed lbussy closed 4 months ago

lbussy commented 4 months ago

@edegraaff reports that when installed on an OG Pi Zero (no "W"), no time synch service is installed, even if a dongle is added.

Consider checking for a list of ntpd-ish services.

edegraaff commented 4 months ago

@edegraaff reports that when installed on an OG Pi Zero (no "W"), no time synch service is installed, even if a dongle is added.

Consider checking for a list of ntpd-ish services.

Hi Lee, i use the Pi Zero W version 1.1 and raspbian does install a time service. What service and how accurate i have no clue. That was the reason to make use of NTP where you can configure the location and the best time resource. for the netherlands is the proposed servers.

Since time is quite important and most ham's do have some sort of timesource or in their house or are familiar with it, some suggestions: In the webgui : the reboot button, and also the current time hh:mm:ss and if it is local or utc... it gives some guidance if the wspr is within the time bounderys. Some routers have internally a ntp server and there you could tapp into this service. I also realize implementation of ntp could make the install scripts more complex, and the project is now straight forward.

Another suggestion is to show if the wspr service is transmitting, and when not, i have found some situations the beacon was invissible and after a reboot all worked as expexted.

Just some suggestions.

regards 73 de pd1eg

lbussy commented 4 months ago

On your Pi Zero, would you please check timedatectl?

edegraaff commented 4 months ago

On your Pi Zero, would you please check timedatectl?

Hi Lee i have made a clean instal. The timedatectl does work on the pi zero also when you install the base image. Het issue that was creating problems is when you install ntp. timedatectl status was broken in de previous install, new install ok ! timedatectl status Local time: Sat 2024-03-02 18:15:13 CET Universal time: Sat 2024-03-02 17:15:13 UTC RTC time: n/a Time zone: Europe/Amsterdam (CET, +0100) System clock synchronized: yes NTP service: active RTC in local TZ: no pi@pizerowspr:~ $ Adding somewhere the current time and/or date could trigger users to check the clock.

I added an extra ntp server in the config. sudo nano /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf I am synced to a part of a second now. Regards Eelco de pd1eg

lbussy commented 4 months ago

Well, that's good news - okay, it seems I don't need to find a Pi Zero to address this. :)