lbussy / WsprryPi

A QRP LF/MF/HF/VHF WSPR transmitter leveraging a Raspberry Pi
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 4 forks source link

Script breaks #68

Closed K3KDW closed 1 month ago

K3KDW commented 1 month ago

When the script gets to the "Support system shutdown button..." line the ssh terminal into the pi freezes regardless of whether I select y or N. I'm running a pi zero (not W, want to use a nice external usb wifi dongle) with a fresh install of Pi OS legacy 32-bit.

I am working around this by removing lines 864-876:

# Choose to support shutdown button
read -rp "Support system shutdown button (TAPR)? [y/N]: " yn  < /dev/tty
case "$yn" in
    [Yy]* ) no_tapr="false";;
    [Nn]* ) no_tapr="true";;
    * ) no_tapr="true";;
do_unit "shutdown-watch" "python3"
# Optional: Turn off TAPR button handling
if [ "$no_tapr" == "true" ]; then
    sed -i 's/^doTAPR = True/doTAPR = False/' /usr/local/bin/

That completed the install and I got the "Heppy DXing!" message. Rebooted. Checked the webpage and it was just the standard "It works" Apache2 Debian default page.

I tried the script again and it now hangs (regardless of selection) on "Log rotate exists and is the same..." so I removed lines 441-463:

    if [ "$verchk" == "lt" ]; then
        echo -e "Log rotate exists but is an older version" > /dev/tty
        read -rp "($src vs. $VERSION). Upgrade to newest? [Y/n]: " yn < /dev/tty
        case "$yn" in
            [Nn]* )
            * )
                retval="true" ;; # Do overwrite
    elif [ "$verchk" == "eq" ]; then
        echo -e "\nLog rotate exists and is the same version" > /dev/tty
        read -rp "($src vs. $VERSION). Overwrite anyway? [y/N]: " yn < /dev/tty
        case "$yn" in
            [Yy]* )
                retval="true";; # Do overwrite
            * )
    elif [ "$verchk" == "gt" ]; then
        echo -e "\nLog rotate is newer than the version being installed."
        echo -e "Skipping."

I updated, upgraded, and rebooted for good measure before running the further pared down script. It didn't work. I said no to upgrading wspr and overwriting files, etc. which again said it was all successful but upon restart the same Apache2 default page was in place. I can run wspr through an ssh connection but it freezes again.

Is it possible this is all from underpowering? I've tried a few power configurations through both the pwr and the usb otg port with no luck. Using otg for an ethernet connection and at various stages also a usb wifi dongle.

K3KDW commented 1 month ago

After doing more research it looks like running a headless zero causes issues on various forks. Closing the issue and making a new plan.