Closed vijay-vanecha closed 9 years ago
Vijay you need to edit the plugin code.
Edit those two lines 188 and 416
for exaple you can change those lines to something like that: $label.html(''+_this.items[currValue].text);
hope it will solve your problem
I made the following change where $label.html is
// I added another option called optionsTrigger
optionsTrigger: '{text}',
optionsItemBuilder: '{text}' // function(itemData, element, index)
// then added this:
var triggerBuilder = _this.options.optionsTrigger
$label.html($.isFunction(triggerBuilder) ? triggerBuilder(_this.items[currValue].element) : _this.items[currValue].text);
then when you call selectric you can pass in the option which you can provide a function with the element:
optionsTrigger: function(element) {
return '<div>' +'something') + '</div>';
Added new option in v1.9.2, using the select with icons from the demo, using the sames classes it would look like this:
optionsItemBuilder: function(itemData, element, index) {
return element.val().length ? '<span class="ico ico-' + element.val() + '"></span>' + itemData.text : itemData.text;
labelBuilder: function(currItem) {
return (currItem.value.length ? '<span class="ico ico-' + currItem.value + '"></span>' : '') + currItem.text;
Thanks for this great plugin. I am really searching for same (Custom HTML Select with icons).
I just need to display selected icon in selected item. Currently it is displaying only text in selected item.
Thanks again.