lcdwiki / LCD-show-ubuntu

3.2" 3.5" 5.0" 7.0" TFT LCD Ubuntu driver for the Raspberry PI and PI 2 and PI 3
104 stars 40 forks source link

Black screen on Ubuntu Server 20.04 #16

Open skylarweaver opened 2 years ago

skylarweaver commented 2 years ago

I've spent days, many hours trying many fixes (both proposed here and on goodtft github), no avail. Please help.

I boot a fresh install of Ubuntu Server for Raspberry Pi 20.04 64bit. I clone and run this scrip as advertised while ssh'd in, and it seems to complete without issue or error. The screen is white initially, but after the script, the device reboots and the screen turns black.

I have not been able to get the screen to not be black. Not command line, no terminal, no cli. Just black. Please help @lcdwiki @goodtft.


mrfoxie commented 2 years ago

@skylarweaver comment this line dtoverlay=tft35a:rotate=90 and add this line

chacalgbi commented 2 years ago

@skylarweaver comment this line dtoverlay=tft35a:rotate=90 and add this line


This line is in which file?

mrfoxie commented 2 years ago

problem is that i can't change resolution of it say for example 7 inch official it's resolution is 800x600 but i can't change it resolution and scale. 🤷🏻‍♂️

mrfoxie commented 2 years ago

@skylarweaver comment this line dtoverlay=tft35a:rotate=90 and add this line


This line is in which file?

add it into /boot/config.txt or /boot/config/config.txt

chacalgbi commented 2 years ago

@skylarweavercomente esta linha dtoverlay=tft35a:rotate=90e adicione esta linha


Essa linha está em qual arquivo?

adicione-o /boot/config.txtou/boot/config/config.txt

In my /boot/config.txt file I just have this:




mrfoxie commented 2 years ago

just add this line at the bottom of /boot/config.txt this will solve the issue


for my information may I know which kind of display you're using?

chacalgbi commented 2 years ago

basta adicionar esta linha na parte inferior /boot/config.txtdisso resolverá o problema


para minha informação, posso saber que tipo de tela você está usando?

Display LCD TFT Touch de 3,5 polegadas with resolution 320x480 pixels. Controller Touch = XPT2046

mrfoxie commented 2 years ago

basta adicionar esta linha na parte inferior /boot/config.txtdisso resolverá o problema


para minha informação, posso saber que tipo de tela você está usando?

Display LCD TFT Touch de 3,5 polegadas with resolution 320x480 pixels. Controller Touch = XPT2046

then use the following commands

git clone
chmod -R 755 LCD-show-ubuntu
cd LCD-show-ubuntu/
sudo ./LCD35-show

it shall work

chacalgbi commented 2 years ago

basta adicionar esta linha na parte inferior /boot/config.txtdisso resolverá o problema


para minha informação, posso saber que tipo de tela você está usando?

Display LCD TFT Touch de 3,5 polegadas with resolution 320x480 pixels. Controller Touch = XPT2046

then use the following commands

git clone
chmod -R 755 LCD-show-ubuntu
cd LCD-show-ubuntu/
sudo ./LCD35-show

it shall work

I already did. Twice. It seems everything is ok, it restarts. The screen goes white, then black and that's it.

mrfoxie commented 2 years ago

thats odd

penghongguang commented 1 year ago

@chacalgbi hello, I have encountered the same problem. Have you solved it?

chacalgbi commented 1 year ago

@chacalgbi hello, I have encountered the same problem. Have you solved it?

Not :(