It happens that when I start tracking a project I forget to add a Category or a Tag.
I want to do it also after the start command.
I like number 3 because it looks more like "natural language".
Command proposals
# 1 🫤 Aggregate it to the status command by using an --edit flag
trak [status] --edit [field:category|tag] --value [value]
# 2 🙂 A specific current command with flags for category (-c) and tag (-t)
trak [current] --category
# 3 😁 A generic edit command also for other purposes (require more future-proof design)
trak [edit] [what:current] [field:category|tag] [value]
It happens that when I start tracking a project I forget to add a Category or a Tag. I want to do it also after the start command.
I like number 3 because it looks more like "natural language".
Command proposals