lcgamboa / picsimlab

PICsimLab - Programmable IC Simulator Laboratory
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Gpboard simulation failed #106

Closed Kabak85 closed 3 months ago

Kabak85 commented 4 months ago

Tried with 12F675 on Gpboard on picsimlab 0.9.1 Win64 (Windows 7 64).

When using an HEX where OSCCAL is not set ( value 0x3FFF) and the internal oscillator, the simulation seems not running.

The OSCCAL value is set at programming by reading the original value from PIC and rewrite it. The simulator MUST verify and replace it, if necessary, by a valid value ( 0x3400 to 0x34FF ) when loaded.

Not tested on others boards or other pic.

lcgamboa commented 4 months ago

Hi @Kabak85 ,

GPboard uses gpsim 0.31, so the problem is probably there. If you can send an example of code that reproduces the problem, it will be easier to determine its origin. The gpsim is already in version 0.32, perhaps this problem has already been fixed. It's on my to-do list to update the version of gpsim used by PICSimLab.

Kabak85 commented 4 months ago

gpsim 0.32 had the issue too.

I made a ticket about it at the same time :

Kabak85 commented 3 months ago

Ticket is marked as solved. Gpsim 0.32.2-20240322 work fine now.

lcgamboa commented 3 months ago

As soon as I have time I will update PICSimLab to use the newest version of gpsim.

lcgamboa commented 3 months ago

The last unstable version was updated to use gpsim 0.32.1.

Kabak85 commented 3 months ago

Hi @lcgamboa

I confirm it solve the OSCCAL issue.
