lcgamboa / picsimlab

PICsimLab - Programmable IC Simulator Laboratory
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Gpboard crash on loading hex #109

Open Kabak85 opened 3 months ago

Kabak85 commented 3 months ago


Version : 0.9.2 240302 Windows64_WC DIST on windows 7

When loading an HEX file with a running simulation cause software freezing. When you stop the simulation with the "power" switch, it's seem to work fine.

I suggest to shutdown the simulation automatically before loading the HEX file.

lcgamboa commented 3 months ago

Hi @Kabak85 ,

Currently, when a new .hex file is loaded, the simulation ends and a new one starts. I was unable to reproduce this issue. What microcontroller did you use? Could you provide an example of a .hex file that causes the problem?

Kabak85 commented 3 months ago

Hi @lcgamboa

Got this issue with 12F675 and 16F84. Not tested on other MCU. I put the appdata/roaming folder and the hex to load in attachments.

Launch picsimlab, load the hex files and it's freeze. In Windows "Task manager", picsimlab consume an entire core.

I tried the appimage under linux, the issue not appear. May be platform/machine related Hex

lcgamboa commented 3 months ago

I have updated PICSimLab to use the last gpsim version 0.32.1.