lcgamboa / picsimlab

PICsimLab - Programmable IC Simulator Laboratory
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No way to customize qemu efuse and bin file paths? #117

Open gw8484 opened 1 week ago

gw8484 commented 1 week ago


I am using the unstable build (PICSimLab-0.9.2_240630_Linux_x86_64.AppImage) running board ESP32_C3_DevKitC_02. I would like to custom efuse and bin files but the qemu config window does not allow editing. Is there a way to change the efuse and bin file paths?


lcgamboa commented 1 week ago

Hi @gw8484 ,

In the current version, there is no such option yet and I don't see much of the point in adding it. What would your use case be exactly? The efuse file is created in the PICSimLab home folder in the first simulation if it does not exist. The standard .bin files are also located in the PICSimLab home folder, and can be loaded via the menu, the command line, or using picsimlab_tool. A simple solution is to overwrite the files in the home folder before starting PICSimLab. If you can, explain your needs in more detail.

Best regards, Luis Claudio.

gw8484 commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the quick response. My use case is mainly to use PICSimLab/QEMU for trying different efuse settings (e.g. flash encryption, secure boot, etc.) without the risk of bricking real HW. It seems if the qemu config could be an optional part of the saved workspace file then it would be possible to support custom efuse and bin files.

I'll try overwriting the fixed files. Thanks.

lcgamboa commented 1 week ago

Good point. I've never tested flash encryption in PICSimLab, but as the efuse file is not included in the workspace file it probably won't work correctly. The workspace file is simple a .zip file (renamed to .pzw) with the configuration files and .bin file.

lcgamboa commented 1 week ago

I did some tests and verified that by copying the .efuse file into the .pzw file, the .efuse will be used instead of the .efuse in the home folder. This could be a good solution for your tests, it's easy to build a script to save the .bin and .efuse files in a .zip file and rename it to .pzw.