lcgamboa / picsimlab

PICsimLab - Programmable IC Simulator Laboratory
GNU General Public License v2.0
442 stars 85 forks source link

Cannot build PICSimlab 0.8.12 from source #77

Closed cemonem closed 1 year ago

cemonem commented 1 year ago


It seems that lcgamboa/qemu_stm32 is not public now, and since building PICSimlab depends on it I cannot build it from source. I use Ubuntu 18.04 myself, and if I am guessing correctly .deb packages are for Ubuntu 20.04 only, and the AppImages will not work below 20.04 (it gives execv error: No such file or directory - even though libfuse2 is installed).

Is there a reliable way for me to install 0.8.12?

lcgamboa commented 1 year ago

Hi @cemonem , sorry for the inconvenience. Github doesn't allow more than one fork of the same project, I was having trouble syncing qemu-esp32 support together with qemu-stm32 in the qemu_stm32 fork. Due to limitations, I had to delete this fork and create another one based on the root of the project: The updated paths are now:

Consider using the updated version of the scripts to compile PICSimLab from source:

Github actions is no longer supported for ubuntu 18.04 and Appimages does not support wxwidgets well on different Linux versions.