Closed JanuNoo closed 1 year ago
Hi @JanuNoo ,
thanks for reporting the problem. The problem occurs because the interface used by the pinviewer accesses the simulator in a different thread than the one running qemu-esp32. As soon as I have time I will try to solve the problem. Meanwhile, use a switch or pushbutton in the spare parts window to test your program.
Hi, I tested again using push buttons as you said and I confirm that works indeed. Thanks
Hi @JanuNoo,
the problem with PinViewer as fixed in commit a646624 . Try the latest build version with the fix .
Works, thanks.
Hello, I have tried to simulate gpio input events with ESP32 DevKitC board and when I toggled the pin I wanted to test with PinViewer it just crashed. I did the following:
//define queue gpio_evt_queue = xQueueCreate(10, sizeof(uint32_t)); //start gpio task xTaskCreate(gpio_task, "gpio_task", 2048, NULL, 10, NULL);
//set pin for input int INPUT_PIN =18; //defined GPIO 18 for input //zero-initialize the config structure. gpio_config_t io_conf = {}; //interrupt of rising edge io_conf.intr_type = GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE; uint64_t pin_bit_mask=((1ULL<<INPUT_PIN)); io_conf.pin_bit_mask = pin_bit_mask; //set as input mode io_conf.mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; //enable pull-up mode io_conf.pull_up_en = 1; gpio_config(&io_conf);
//add pin listener gpio_install_isr_service(0); gpio_isr_handler_add(INPUT_PIN, gpio_isr_handler, (void*) INPUT_PIN);
static void IRAM_ATTR gpio_isr_handler(void* arg) { uint32_t gpio_num = (uint32_t) arg; xQueueSendFromISR(gpio_evt_queue, &gpio_num, NULL); }
static void gpio_task(void* arg) { uint32_t io_num; for(;;) { if(xQueueReceive(gpio_evt_queue, &io_num, portMAX_DELAY)) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "GPIO[%"PRIu32"] intr, val: %d\n", io_num, gpio_get_level(io_num)); } } }
From the error log file I got:
PICSimLab: Debug On=0 Type=MDB Port=1234 PICSimLab: Remote Control Port 5000 Spare parts: parts[00] (LCD ili9341) created ** ERROR:../accel/tcg/tcg-accel-ops.c:81:tcg_handle_interrupt: assertion failed: (qemu_mutex_iothread_locked()) PICSimLab Error: EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT PICSimLab stack: 00007ffd74e4b3b2 PICSimLab stack: 00000000685daf6a PICSimLab stack: 00000000685dcd9d PICSimLab stack: 00000000685dd224 PICSimLab stack: 00007ffcdfa32284 PICSimLab stack: 00007ffcdf78f3f8 PICSimLab stack: 00007ffcdf80bb71 PICSimLab stack: 00007ffcdf80bd01 PICSimLab stack: 00007ffcdfa3e1ab PICSimLab stack: 00007ffcdf812ab3 PICSimLab stack: 00007ffcdfa3e1ab PICSimLab stack: 00007ffcdf641f23 PICSimLab stack: 00007ffcdfa3e1ab PICSimLab stack: 00007ffcdf81356c PICSimLab stack: 00007ffcdf8138cb PICSimLab stack: 000000000045230c PICSimLab stack: 0000000000401a2b PICSimLab stack: 00007ffd2f0cd802 PICSimLab stack: 00007ffd3650de4d PICSimLab stack: 00007ffd3650df9f PICSimLab stack: 00007ffd772caf5a PICSimLab stack: 00007ffd772cb02c PICSimLab stack: 00007ffd76e47614 PICSimLab stack: 00007ffd775226a1
Any ideas of what the problem is? Thanks