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Information on duplicate patron and books #8

Open lchokhoe opened 2 years ago

lchokhoe commented 2 years ago

Information on what is considered a duplicate patron and/or book is not easily found in the UG. Below are the 2 screenshots with the location of the information in the UG.



The information is essential and could have been in the glossary included within the UG since that is where the definition of "Patron" and "Book" should belong if they hold special meaning (outside of their meaning in the English language) in this application.


soc-se-bot commented 2 years ago

Team's Response

First of all, you probably think that it is hard to find because you tried to search for the word “duplicate” within the UG pdf and found 0 results. It is not the team’s fault for not using a particular choice of wording. Our wording is consistent throughout, and we did not even use the word “duplicate” even for error messages (Our error message is “This patron already exists in LibTask”). Therefore, if you are reporting this issue because you are expecting to see the word “duplicate” in our UG, it is unreasonable.

Secondly, we have ensured that the information is where it is most likely to be in the UG, such as when add and edit commands for a book, or a patron (users are most likely to need this information here to avoid adding the same person, or editing a person into another existing person). This is shown in the last bullet points of your own screenshots.

Thirdly, you have misunderstood our book features by suggesting we do not allow duplicate books. We in fact allow duplicate books in our library. This is also a reason why we chose to not use the word “duplicate” throughout our UG because duplicate books (i.e. books with every identity field being the same) are in fact allowed. What is not allowed is only books with same isbn, but different authors or book names.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.Rejected]

Reason for disagreement: [replace this with your explanation]

:question: Issue severity

Team chose [severity.VeryLow] Originally [severity.Medium]

Reason for disagreement: [replace this with your explanation]