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NowSecure static analysis: Application Allows Debugging Which Exposes Sensitive Information #437

Open lcimeni opened 2 years ago

lcimeni commented 2 years ago

Finding Description

The application was compiled with the debuggable flag enabled. If the application has the debuggable flag enabled, it is possible to attach a debugger to the application's process and execute arbitrary code. The default value is "false" if the debuggable flag is not set. Apps with debugging enabled will expose runtime data to attackers, simplifying the effort needed to exploit users, allowing them to ingest sensitive data and inject malicious activities into runtime. An attacker requires charging port access to perform this exploit. This vulnerability can effect the user's sensitive actions within the app, along with the app's runtime controls and processes. In certain frameworks, this flag can disable security controls creating other vulnerabilities such as man-in-the-middle attacks.

Steps to Reproduce

Determine whether the application was compiled with the debuggable flag enabled in the Android manifest.

Business Impact

This app did not disable a common development tool which is used to test the application before production. This makes it easier for attackers to tell how an app functions which can potentially uncover valuable information on how to obtain sensitive information from the app.

Remediation Resources

Recommended Fix

Android applications should have <code>android:debuggable="false"</code> set in the application manifest to prevent easy run time manipulation by an attacker or malware. Alternatively, avoid setting this flag at all since the default value set by Android is "false".

An app can use a system call that tells the operating system to not permit a debugger to attach to the process. By preventing a debugger from attaching, the capabilities of an attacker to interfere with the low-level runtime are limited. An attacker must first circumvent the debugging restrictions in order to attack the application on a low level which adds further complexity to a would-be attack.

It should be noted that this feature can prevent successful app publication to the Google Play Store.

Code Samples

Bad Code Sample (.xml)

<manifest ... >
<application android:debuggable="true" ... >

Good Code Sample (.xml)

<manifest ... >
<application android:debuggable="false" ... >

Additional Guidance

Risk and Regulatory Information

Severity: medium CVSS: 4.4


See more detail in the NowSecure Report