lcm-proj / lcm

Lightweight Communications and Marshalling
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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What is the status of .NET support? #370

Open rgov opened 1 year ago

rgov commented 1 year ago

C# is listed as a "supported language" but it is not built in the CMakeLists.txt, and the code directory is the oldest of all the language bindings.

@mwoehlke-kitware wrote about it,

... [I]t seems to me like the C# stuff is currently entirely self-contained anyway? ... [S]omeone wanting to build the C# bits would just continue to use the stand-alone VS project as currently. (I also just tested that on my branch, and it seems able to build the C# bits from the existing .sln.)

@hrbot is the author but does not appear to be active on GitHub.

@hoxovic and @simbaforrest contributed patches but long ago. Is either of you still a user? What is or was your experience?

hrbot commented 1 year ago

Hi @rgov - I'm indeed the original author of the C# port, we had been actively using LCM and contributing quite a long time ago, before LCM was moved to GitHub (it was hosted on googlecode originally).

Since then we obsoleted the robot running on LCM and transitioned to ROS in terms of our robotic platforms and also moved away from .NET in general - so no current use of this port over here, neither any future plans.


hoxell commented 1 year ago

Actually, I've never been a user of the C# bindings, I just extended the CMake stuff for the C# generation IIRC, so can't really say anything about the state of things.

ryvillam commented 1 year ago

Hi @rgov - I'm indeed the original author of the C# port, we had been actively using LCM and contributing quite a long time ago, before LCM was moved to GitHub (it was hosted on googlecode originally).

Since then we obsoleted the robot running on LCM and transitioned to ROS in terms of our robotic platforms and also moved away from .NET in general - so no current use of this port over here, neither any future plans.


I am attempting to use the LCM C# interface in a Unity (C#) application, is there any reason the C# sample code provided would not work? It compiles fine, but just hangs the application when I run it.